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   The Winter Kollel affords Yeshiva High School boys the opportunity to spend their mid-winter vacation in a Torah environment in Miami Beach, Florida. The Kollel is located in the heart of the Jewish community of Miami Beach. Every night, one of the local rabbeim honors us with a shiur and spends time shmoozing with the boys in the Beit Medrash. The value of the Winter Kollel is not only in the amount of learning accomplished by the boys in the program, but, as well in the camaraderie fostered by the presence of many high school boys vacationing there who join the Winter Kollel for minyan, learning and Shabbos meals.
    The madrichim on the program consist of YU students who staffed previous NCSY Summer Kollel programs for Yeshiva High School boys. The madrichim are with the boys throughout the day in the Kollel, whether it be for learning, shmoozing or playing ball. This program was started in January, 2000 with 16 high school boys and nearly doubled the following year with twenty-seven.

    The Winter Kollel is designed for serious 11th and 12th grade Yeshiva High School boys who desire to learn during their winter vacation while enjoying the beautiful weather of Miami Beach. It is endorsed by many Yeshiva University Roshei Yeshiva and NY area Yeshiva High Schools.

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