Modest Mouse Sept. 1, 2002 Memorial Stadium - Bumbershoot Seattle Source Info: Nak CM-300/CP-1 (NOS 90 degrees, 8' high, Soundboard area)>Sonosax SX-M2>SONY PCM-M1 44.1/R300>AP2496>SF>CDwave>mkwACT>CDR > shn ********************PLEASE DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3******************** 01: Paper Thin Walls 02: Third Planet 03: Alone Down There 04: Neverending Math Equation 05: *in between songs* 06: Bankrupt on Selling 07: Wild Pack of Family Dogs 08: I Came As A Rat 09: Out Of Gas 10: Here It Comes 11: Trailer Trash 12: What People Are Made Of 13: Teeth Like God's Shoeshine 14: Interstate 8 15: Tiny Cities Made of Ashes 16: Night on the Sun ********************PLEASE DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3********************