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Until this notice is taken off this page, I would suggest that you use the site with frames provided that your browser can support them. The No Frames site is being worked on.

What are frames?
Frames are used to put two or more web pages into one often so a navigation bar can be made. This saves energy because instead of creating a navigation bar for every page or having none at all, a simple frame can do the trick. If you enter my site with frames, then you will notice that my links are in the left frame and my content is in the right frame and that the left frame never changes.

Why is there a choice, Frames seem fine?
Unfortunately, with frames come problems. Some older browsers are incapable of displaying frames correctly and refreshing pages is difficult with frames. Other less important problems occur as well.

So, which one should I enter?
Most of you will have no problems with the no frames version of the page so it is okay, but if your browser is 5 years old or older, you might want to go to the no frames version just to be safe. This website is slowly shifting towards no frames so most new content will go there.