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Well, I suppose it's time to leave now. But if you got the time, make sure you visit these few favorite web-spots of mine. It's worth it!

Sluggy Freelance ~ Worship The ComicSLUGGY FREELANCE - If you do not click this link, consider yourself showered with bad karma on my part. You must see it. You must read it. Worship The Comic.

My "Published" Work
A few professional things I'm working on - my first ones, in fact! And here the websites of them in case they're online.

Cartoon Tomb - Website of my good friend Nina. I translated her "Death and the Maiden" (Der Tod Und Das Maedchen) comic strips.

Magic 4 U - A Magic - The Gathering site I write continuinity articles for, having been invited to do so by the webmaster *grin* Hey, whoever said useless trivia never amounts to anthing was wrong!

Friends' Sites - L's domain! YAY L's Domain! Woohoo! She has all her stuff here!

Rags' Page! - The website of Rags, and home to the Batman saga written by Rags and Jen, along with illustrations and plenty of other things.

Mantra's Pages of Insanity - The maze of strangenesses, courtesy of my friend Kai.

Cataclysm Productions - Home to the art of Stormi J Kahn, an incredible artist and highly opinionated (meaning, cool) person. Go read the Pyronomicon comic!

The Abyss -- Webpage of the talented Lox, the Mexican demoness ;)

Vo's Place - Homepage to my friend, Mudslide, furry artist and person-who-knows-how-to-write-decent-HTML.

Components On Campus - A web comic Mudslide and Angie (Muddy's and my friend) are working on. Great stuff.

Der Tod Und Das Maedchen - Translation: Death And The Maiden (well, roughly). A web-comic by my friend Nina. Knowledge of how to speak German is necessary to understand this, yes. (Translation is at Cartoon Tomb, see above.)

Two-Face's Towers Of Tranquility And Terror - And alliteration, too. Webpage belonging to my pal Tim "Two-Face" L., the biggest Batman fan I know personally.

The Homepage Of Tatiana Matveeva - The webpage of my friend / computer wiz Inity "Intel Indside".

Dervla's Chris Barrie Pix -- Biggest collection of pictures of Chris Barrie, aka Rimmer from Red Dwarf, aka God, aka... etc.

David Warner - An Actor's Life And Art - Site on my #1 favorite actor. - Homepage to comedian Greg Proops, mostly infamous from his appearances on Whose Line Is It Anyway?. Great guy, very funny, very witty.

Tom Savini -- Master of ooey-gooey special effects.

Steve Martin - He's just a wild and crazy guy. (Not to mention incredibly talented, funny, and a multitalent in countless fields).

Rick Rockwell - A genuinely nice guy and also incredibly funny. I learned to love him through Killer Tomato movies, so the entire "Millionaire" fiasco really meant diddly squat to me. In my America... there is no Darva Sapiens.

Tom Green - Yes. Tom Green. Oh, bite me. It's fun. Aside the fact I can't understand how anyone would want to date Drew Barrymore, or eat a bucket full of hair for that matter, he rocks. The main point of admiration here being: He had the same cancer that I had (relatively speaking), had a bigger incision than me, more IVs than me, and took it a lot better than I did. I just whined, he made it funny. Kudos, Tom.

Television: -- This is the new residence of the Lexx chat, which I frequent as Tirekkha. Have a look see ;).

Lexx Star Diary - A Russian site, but with the most extensive Lexx image gallery I've ever seen in my entire life. Marvelous work!

Rimmer's Smeg Hole - A Red Dwarf webpage I like to visit, has the complete listing of Space Corps Directives, and scripts for all episodes.

Jackie Chan Adventures - Find out your name in Chinese! See what your Chinese horoscope represents! Besides, everyone should know Finn. He's such a babe.

Elfwood Elfwood - The most infamous sci-fi / fantasy gallery on the web. Countless pictures and stories await viewing.

Quinton Hoover - Another favorite. A professional artist. Does wonders in watercolors and inks.

Dan Frazier - The quasi-creator of Starke il-Vec, one of my favorite characters ever. An absolutely incredible artist with a great, realistic style. A must-see! :)

Mini Fridge Of DoomAido's Mini Fridge Of Doom - People two years younger than me shouldn't be allowed to be this good ;) Aido is an incredibly talented artist, and if you don't click this link right now, you'll regret it someday.

Nethersphere - The Art Of ImaginationNethersphere - This girl's photoshop work is the most breathtaking thing I have ever seen in my entire life. The Schoolbooks and Brimstone comic is a MUST-SEE. Mr Satan is very attractive indeedy.

The Art of Jaime Sidor -- An incredible werewolf artist, I just love this girl's work. She's my favorite werewolf artist.

PacRat's Art - Pac Rat is another artist I absolutely adore. Her anthros are very much out of the ordinairy - she's very talented and all her characters are tuned to perfection in an offbeat and crazy sort of way!

projectkooky.comErika Moen - Gawd. She rocks. And is funny. And can design webpages.

March Hare Studios - Home to the March Hare / Ryngs Racoon. A fantastic furry artist, not to mention a friendly and funny guy beneath.

Niko GeyerNiko Geyer - Niko is an incredible artist, and he, along with his works, possess a great childlike charme, true innocence - things I and my work, needless to say, lack. It's the most relaxing thing in the world to go through his drawings - they are simply beautiful.

RPGs and CCGs:
Lady Mox's World Of Darkness Graphics - A great resource for White Wolf Roleplaying games. - Another White Wolf resource, has lots of pictures, downloads, and fonts. - Though I haven't played Magic in a long time, I still love the plot continuity going on behind it. focuses on the plot, and I found it very well made. If you're interested in looking them up: My favorite characters are Starke il-Vec and Vhati il-Dal.

MST3K - The Magic Expansion Set - This is hillarious. You need to know both Magic - The Gathering and Mystery Science Theater 3000 extremely well to understand any of this. rest assured, if you do and like both, you will be rolling on the floor with laughter.

The Editing Room - Abridged Scripts - It's hillarious. It's outrageous. It's the most intelligent movie criticism I've read in a long while.

The Official Thrill Kill Website - Another one of my favorite games - which was incidentally censored to death and never officially hit the stores. Features the quirkiest characters you can imagine.
