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Have you ever just been walking down the street or out somwhere and saw a big dirt or a guy with a mullet? These kinds of people piss me off. I hate mullets. I just want to go up and rip it out of their damn heads. This page is dedicated to all the fat asses and dirts that live in the world today. There are three kinds of dirts, there is the kind who just smell no matter how hard they try to cover it they still just smell. This kind isn't that bad because at least they are trying. There is also the kind that just take showers like every other day. Their hair is greasy and their clothes are dirty. Then there is my favorite kind, this is the kind that doesn't take showers for weeks. Their hair is greasy, their clothes are dirty, most of them probably have mullets, and they walk around in nascar hats and jackets. I hate these people. Although they piss us all off they are still fun to make fun of. So if you hate dirts and mullets, you are at the right page. This page is constantly being worked on so keep checking in for more dirty ass mullets, and amusing pictures. NEW PICTURES WERE FINALLY ADDED TO THE PICTURE PAGE!!!

Email me with pictures or ideas.