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Welcome to Funsheets!
In relationship with Quizforms

Hello and welcome to Funsheets.
Sorry but we're still under construction. This website may or may not meet your standards right now as it is still under construction.
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Codes and the Department of Detectives
Creative Writing
Crosswords, wordfinds

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Visit my Tortall site by clicking on the image! There is a cool
, Choose Your Own Adventure story, mailing
, fanfiction corner/story corner, games, quizzes,
encyclopedias, debates, and heaps more. Come now!

If you liked Mark's Funsheets, you'll like this too. Click
on the image above to my QuizForms site. It is a relative
site, and the points you earn in Funsheets are counted
as the points in QuizForms, and the points earned
in QuizForms are counted also as points earned in
Funsheets. Now, enough of this and that. Get going
to QuizForms now! (It opens in a new window, so
you can still view this page.)

Don't you sometimes have a horribly mean or strict
teacher and you wanted to express your feelings,
but don't know what to do? Click on the image! Write a complaint about a teacher who
you hate, and be acknowledged. Post now!

-Check out the homepage for Funsheets and Quizforms and Funsheets in 1