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(May 20, 2002) Due to serious issues with the Siege Editor, MCS will no longer be using GPG's engine to bring the story of The Demon Within to life. We WILL, however, be using the editor of Neverwinter Nights to bring this story to you. The overall plot will be unchanged, but there will obviously be certain restrictions brought to us by the use of D&D 3rd edition rules. We feel that there is still a strong enough fan base for us to move forward with our plans, even if it's in a new format. Thank you for your support as always!

(May 8, 2002) The Siege Editor will at last be released this Friday the 10th of May. We have fleshed out the story for book 1 and look forward to being able to finally bring this project to the fans of Dungeon Siege. On another note, MCS has decided that for now we will keep this site on Angelfire. As we get closer to an actual release date we will upgrade our bandwidth as more people check us out. Thanks!

(April 29, 2002) We know about the site being unavailable due to excessive bandwidth and apologize. We are currently looking to upgrade, just bear with us a few more days....

(April 25, 2002) The site is still far from perfect, but I've played with it enough today. Over the next week we will be updating the site and trying to make it more user-friendly. Thank you for your patience.

(April 25, 2002) (4:00 p.m. EST)The site is currently being overhauled. Check back in a few hours....

(April 23, 2002) MCS is now fully staffed! Thanks to everyone who offered to help out. I'll post the new members in the 'About Us' section ASAP.
(April 23, 2002) During a brainstorming session, MCS decided we didn't feel like the story we had originally planned on using in the mod would let the player feel "involved" enough. The game would have been too scripted and linear and we wanted to avoid that. As with any RPG, the game is always going to be somewhat linear in that if you ever want to reach the ending, you need to follow a basic story. The main character of any good RPG is always you. We will be working on editing the content to wrap around you as much as possible while still telling the story we wanted to get across. Thank you everyone for your input and support.

(April 23, 2002) (11:00 a.m. EST) The site is currently being rearranged, sorry for the confusion. Come back in an hour or so!

(April 22, 2002) Added some new features to the site like a guestbook, counter, and charbio page. Feel free to check them out and drop us a line here at MCS!

(April 22, 2002) Welcome, Anthony "Bok the Impaler"(dont ask) Tomasino to the MCS team! We are still looking for other members if anyone is interested.

(April 21, 2002) The Demon Within web site is ONLINE!

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is the copyrighted property of Bioware Corp.
The Demon Within
Last Updated May 21, 2002
Web Page Design by Richie Anderson