Flogging Molly - Swagger

Flogging Molly is probably one of the best bands to have come out in the past few years. And this album is one that you can truly listen to every song on and not get bored. These guys have an original sound, (it's Irish but they use more traditional instruments than bands like the Dropkick Murphy's) and the quality and diversity of music on this recording is second to none. Songs like Black Friday Rule, The Likes of You Again, Devil's Dance Floor, and Selfish Man will fuel your fire while Far Away Boys, and Grace of God Go I will cool you down again. When you conbine these with the other great tracks, you get one hell of a CD from one hell of a band.

The quality of the first full legnth studio album released by this Los Angeles group exceeds any that of most others in my collection. This band has christened itself, "A Guiness soaked musical body blow." and this recording will fully convince anyone who thinks otherwise. The traditional Irish instruments mixed with punk gituars and topped off with the Irish accent of lead singer Dave King make for a musical experience like no other. This CD belongs in everbody's collection. Best tracks: The Likes of You Again, Black Friday Rule. Rating: 10

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