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Beer Review: Stoudt's Blonde Double Mai Bock

In my many travels, when I was younger, I had at times passed by the Stoudt brewery, never stopping to partake of the brewery's products. Espying, then, this garish bottle in a local Total Beverage (now Total Wine) store, I determined to try this beer that had so complex a name. Some complexity was to follow in the taste of the beer, but I get ahead of myself. Medium-to-light in both color and body, I found this brew did not possess any hops or fruit notes. What it did possess, much to my dismay, was a bitter, unpleasant aftertaste. Crisp and, as I have mentioned, somewhat complex, this double mai bock was overall not a fun beer to drink. Not a very good beer at all. -- Brewmeister G

The Brewer? Stoudt's Brewing Co. - - - - - - - When tasted? 18 May 2002
Place of Origin? Adamstown, Pennsylvania - - - - - - - How tasted? 12 oz bottle
Style of Beer? bock - - - - - - - Where tasted? At Brewmeister G's home

Links for this beer:

Stoudt's page for their seasonal beers (includes their Blonde Double Mai Bock)
Stoudt's Home Page

For more information about the SBR, please contact Brewmeister G. All fermented contributions are cheerfully accepted.

Layout, design, & revisions © 2001, Brewmeister G
Revised -- 03 February 2003