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Beer Review: Spanish Peaks White Ale

There was a definite fruit aroma on the bouquet of this brew, and the beer itself had a nice 'tang' to it. Possessing a light-to-medium body, I believe this may have been unfiltered, as it appeared cloudy in the glass. Overall, a good beer (not bitter, but tangy).

Growler Guy
When tasted? 27 August 2001
How tasted? 12 oz bottle
Where tasted? At Brewmeister G's Home

This beer kicked off my three-day tasting of various offerings from Spanish Peaks. Light, light, light is how I'd describe this beer. Although not as light as a lager, this ale had a light body and a light color, with light citrus notes on the end of a taste. Growler Guy is right -- this is a cloudy (unfiltered?) beer. There was no real 'bite' to it. A solid, light beer. Note to prospective tasters out there: I couldn't find this product on Spanish Peaks' website & e-mailed them to ask why. The response? The White Ale had been removed from their website, because they were no longer brewing it. It was not a big seller for them, so they have discontinued it. Sorry, folks! I thought it was okay, but apparently not enough others did....

Brewmeister G
When tasted? 27 August 2001
How tasted? 12 oz bottle
Where tasted? At Brewmeister G's Home

Links for this beer:

Spanish Peaks' Home Page

For more information about the SBR, please contact Brewmeister G. All fermented contributions are cheerfully accepted.

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Revised -- 28 February 2002