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Beer Review: Czechvar

Czechvar -- a.k.a. Budweiser Budvar Premium Lager -- is a beer of legend. Michael Jackson (not that one) says Czechvar is 'one of the world's truly great beers' and I had this one highly recommended to me by several folks. As one would expect of a lager, this had a light color and body, but let me say this: this was a great light beer!!! While the style really precluded this from being a very complex beer, flavor-wise, it was just so darn smooth! Wow! In case you couldn't tell, I thought this a 'great beer' also.... -- Brewmeister G

The Brewer? Budweiser Budvar - - - - - - - When tasted? 08 February 2002
Place of Origin? Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic - - - - - - - How tasted? 12 oz bottle
Style of Beer? Lager - - - - - - - Where tasted? At The Brickskeller

Links for this beer:

Budweiser Budvar's page for their beers (includes their Premium Lager (which is Czechvar))
Budweiser Budvar's Home Page

For more information about the SBR, please contact Brewmeister G. All fermented contributions are cheerfully accepted.

Layout, design, & revisions © 2001, Brewmeister G
Revised -- 21 February 2002