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Beer Review: Brooklyn Monster Ale 2002

To be perfectly honest, I had avoided trying an example of the barleywine style of ale for some time because I had a bad mental image of what 'barley' and 'wine' would taste like combined. Not fair, I admit, but there you have it. My first sampling of this style brought me face to face with a monster. Brooklyn's Monster Ale, to be exact. Medium in both body and color, this drink had an intense flavor right from the get-go. Slightly fruity to the taste, this beer was not really wine-y in flavor (okay -- it had a little 'wineness' to was a bit 'fruityish'). Anyway, this was a strong beer (11%), but it was excellent! I have been depriving myself of the pleasure of knowing barleywines for too long. I now know this. Enjoy! -- Brewmeister G

The Brewer? The Brooklyn Brewery - - - - - - - When tasted? 08 February 2002
Place of Origin? Brooklyn, New York - - - - - - - How tasted? 12 oz bottle
Style of Beer? Barleywine / Ale - - - - - - - Where tasted? At The Brickskeller

Links for this beer:

Brooklyn's page for their Monster Ale
The Brooklyn Brewery's Home Page

For more information about the SBR, please contact Brewmeister G. All fermented contributions are cheerfully accepted.

Layout, design, & revisions © 2001, Brewmeister G
Revised -- 23 February 2002