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When going to a planet you must stay on that planet(chat room).

You can't travel with out a ship. So no talking on Chat room Vegeta when your on planet Namek.

You can only get a planet by Buying it or Being given to( NO STEALING).You can also land on a planet not own and clam it.You can also wish for one.Another way to own a planet is fighting for one if u fight someone who owns a planet and wins u may take his/her planet

Well Thats how to own a planet....

!!!! When traveling post a message on the board !!!! Planets:

1)Earth- Grav 1x,Owner none
2)Namek-grav 3x,Owner none
3)old vegeta-Grav 10x, Owner None
4)Earth moon-Grav 5x,vegeta
5)Namek moons-Same 6)new vegeta-Grav 10x,Owner none
7)sector 17-Grav 50x , Owner none
8)space station Delta-Grave 10-100x, Owner none

Gravity Rules:
For every 1,000 pl thats one gravity point.