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senzu bean:completly restores pl.- $400
Sayian potion:grows back a sayians tail in a day- $500
Fusion earings:need a pair to fuse with another character- $600
D-gloves:adds an extra 200d to your attack- $550
Saftey deposite box: keeps items from getting stolen- $500
Saftey deposite key- keeps from getting deposite box stolen- $600
Theif clothes: alows you to steal an item for a player up to 500 dollars(must be fight to the death)- $800 Sayian boots: gives 2 extra attack in a battle or sparr(lasts 5 battles)- $700
Potion: gives back 2,000pl- $400
Super potion: gives back 5,000- $500
Ultra potion: gives back 10,000pl- $1,000
sun glasses- protects from solare flare- $1,000
Super Book: gives(150int.)can only buy 4 a day- $500
D-Shop Discount Card: What it does is it allows you do buy items for 12% off. You can only use it on 4 items- $2,000
Invisiblity boots: These boots confuse your opponent for 3 turns! But you can only use them once during a fight or a spar! It lasts up to 3 spars or fights!- $5,000
Super Saiyan Gauntlets: These special gauntlets allow you to add an additional 800 damage to any of your attacks while in a spar or a fight!- $1,800
GOLDEN BANDIT CLOTH'S- let's u steel 3 items $2000
SMOKE BOMB- let's you escape from any battle except for a tournament battle.this can only be used once $600
TEXT BOOK-a large book and if read you gain 500int $1,500
HASTE GLOVES-let's u use 7 moves in a turn instead of 5,last 3 battle`s $700
chamber pass-let`s u go in the Hyperbolic time chamber with out asking us $1,500
Light ball, it blinds an enemy for 3 turns $700
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