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The Story Begins...

Three years before the Frieza Saga...


Zarbon landed on his side, tumbled over a number of times, and eventually came to rest on his stomach.

"Zarbon, when will you learn not to underestimate me simply because I am a female?"

The embarrassed prince looked up to see a mint-colored hand. He grabbed the hand and allowed himself to be pulled up - though not without muttering a stream of curse words, with the potential to offend any female, softly under his breath.

"What was that?" the female inquired.

"Nothing," Zarbon muttered.

"Zarbon! She's just a girl! She's smaller than you, younger than you: FOCUS!" This came from the large, spiked, pink ball of lard that was their mentor. "You're not going to be given any second chances in a real battle, so pull yourself together!"

Zarbon moaned gently and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on, Dodoria! It's not his fault that I can beat his ass into the ground!" the girl laughed.

"This conversation, girl, does not concern you," Dodoria growled.

"I think that I should be able to defend myself: physically and verbally." She turned and started to walk to the other side of the training/sparring room. Zarbon, as usual when in her presence, was at a loss for words. He turned and watched her. Where does she get the guts to challenge him like that?!? She's mad!

"I honestly can't understand why, or even how, you manage to put up with that overgrown rice-ball: I don't!" smirked the girl.

"Wha...?" Zarbon spun around looking for Dodoria knowing that no-one insulted him like that without paying a dear price.

"He's not here, Zarbon, I'm not that stupid," the girl sighed.

Zarbon turned again and looked at the only other member of his race that, as far as he knew, existed. She wore tight-fitting black attire: skintight pants with the traditional white boots worn by many of Frieza's followers. Her shirt was sleeveless and exposed her firm, sky-blue waist. Her long hair at first appeared to be black, but when it was seen in the right light, one saw that it was, in fact, a deep emerald green. On her upper left arm she wore a serpent armband, a silver headband across her brow, and a black choker. A thin, silver chain also adorned her neck, but the pendant it bore lay beneath her shirt, its identity a mystery. Her piercing sapphire eyes gazed at him.

"Dodoria's going to catch you one of these days, Nashi, and when he does I'm not going to help you," Zarbon warned.

Nashi tried to suppress a laugh, unsuccessfully. "You? Help me? Hah! Like you could!"

"Watch it..."

"Then come on - take me on again," Nashi approached Zarbon, stopping a few feet in front of him. She took up a fighting stance. "Ten credits says I can whip you again," she said, grinning, her own accent a duplicate of his own.

"All right then - let's go!"


(Note: this intro was inspired by the fanfic "Before he was Zarbon." Please forgive me, I've forgotten who wrote it. If the author wants their name here, just email me and let me know. Your story sparked the entire story that I'm writing - thanks!)

Part 1...