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Alternate Timelines

The future....

In the future after Cell was defeated. Gohan and the gang was still alive except for Goku who chose to remain in the after-life. Vegeta and Trunks had the idea of going back in time to bring back the saiyan race by bringing back a few saiyans back to the future. Bulma built the time machine bigger with more room for passengers. Vegeta who had become aware of the fact that he is not the strongest and he mellowed out and started to care about his race and the earth. He and Trunks decided to go back to the planet Vegeta. So they climbed in to the time machine and blasted off. Time travel was hard but they had been through alot more than that and got there with out any trouble. When they got to the planet vegeta got a sad look in his eyes Trunks asked him about it but the saiyan just got up and dismissed his question and decided to land on the side of the planet opposite of the palace. The reason for this is that people at the palace would recognize him. Vegeta decided not to use his real name Vegeta decided to use Goku as his fake name for that would not be known as a saiyan name. they decided to split up and find a couple and meet back at the ship when they find the couple and be careful about your power level because people still don’t know that super saiyan are around. So time went by and Trunks found a female that he thought would go back in but she was single but Trunks fell in love when Trunks told his dad, his dad said if he felt that way and was sure that she was the one than why not take her back along with the couple the he found the saiyan did know that when they leave they would not see their friends again and they had decided that was ok.Trunks had went to Kaitana’s (his girlfriends) house to help her pack some stuff her bo and some clothes while vegeta decided to disguise him self and go to the palace when he did he saw someone that he hated with his whole being that was the one that made him who he was the one that killed the saiyans Freeza when he saw him he lost it when Freeza left the palace Vegeta got so mad he attacked Freeza and knocked him out a drug him to the next uninhabited planet and started to hit him and back off to let him wake up to have a fight if he was going to kill him he wanted him to die fighting. Freeza woke up and asked whose the guy that brought him there Vegeta said that he was from the future and was going to put a stop to him one and for all. so the battle commenced and the result was Freeza was killed but so was Vegeta. In his last words when he got back to the planet where to his son not bring him back that he died the way he want to he said that he was proud of him that he would not have asked for a better son. In a couple day had past and everybody agreed that it was time to go and they took all their stuff and headed through time they got back to the present day and told everybody about what happened to Vegeta.The gang had alot of explaining about the future to the Kaitana, Raditz(not the sameone as before), and Karen. So the saiyan got sattled down in there new home and became used to the earth’s gravity which was far less the there home. Trunks and Kaitana where getting closer than ever so one day Trunks asked Kaitana to marry him. In one year from when they got there and where married on kami’s look out by Dende. So life got to around normal then one-year later a son was born and they asked Gohan if they could name him the baby Goku in remembrance of his father. Who said that his father would have been proud to have the child named after him. The boy who was very gifted was alot like Goku of the past pure-hearted in touch with nature and his powers. He was the first born on earth that was more than 1/2 saiyan. He was Trained by The most powerful of saiyans Gohan he became just as powerful as Gohan. His wapon of choice was the bo staff made out of a metal that is unbreakable in most respects. As he train And grew up became aware of danger in the future. A villain of great power but the villain was still unknown but familiar. Years past the villain was revealed to be a clone of Goku of the past it seem that someone wanted to get back at the Z Worriors, The clone had all of Goku’s (1) powers but not his compassion for life and the earth. The Z worriors did not see this right away not until he had destroyed the city and was going for the next did they realized that this was not kakorot it was a clone of him and who was set on destroying the earth they were prepared. When he attacked the worriors he match all the worriors moves in every way but Goku’s (2) who had some training from a unknown master in outer space afew move of his own so the battle was on The clone lunged at Goku full force but was cought by surprise where he was not there the clone was thrown to the ground by Goku it got up and try to use the Kamehamha attack but was to slow and missed. the clone try to speed up but for as much as he speed up his speed was matched by Goku in a effort to win the clone used the lox kamehamha which almost hit its mark but missed and went into space. When the clone missed Goku did a round house that sent that sent the clone flying into a huge boulder The clone used the solor flare attack blinding Goku and allowing the clone to use the destructo disk which almost cut off Gokus head but he move just in time but the disk did cut his hair. Which by the way pissed Goku off and he attack with the lox kamhamha which hit its mark destroying the clones legs and one arm he was still going to fight but that last blast had drained him of all his energies but he still was trying to fight Goku but he was destroyed by Goku in the end. The fight was over Goku was the winner they all went up to kame’s lookout with the Dragonballs and made two wishes one to fix the damage to the earth and two bring back all the people the clone killed. the wishes where made and the dragonballs disappeared again. Z worrior helped Goku recover in the all thing worked out. The End

Written by Knightpower82
