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Title image courtesy of Jengou of Juunanagou's Temple.

Sounds so dire, ne? Well, it's a lonely hell...just me, myself, and I, so to speak. But I do entertain visitors...which I assume you are. Otherwise, you have been sadly misdirected and I'll have to send you to one of the lower hells. I can't be expected to filter the confused rifraff.

Ah, yes, it would probably be a good idea to introduce myself. I am Mirai Juunanagou, your host for this venture into the--well, I can't say unknown, precisely. The only way you could have gotten here was by your own design or another's helpful directions. You had best know what you're in for...if not, never fear, you'll soon learn.

And what is the purpose of this hastily-thrown-together page, you ask? This is the miniature showcase for my so far very-much-in-progress bits o' fanfiction. Perhaps more will someday augment this drab directory, but for now I can assume that you came to see the fics.

*bows and waves a gracious hand* Have a seat, mortal. Enjoy.

**Author's Note**

Coming Forward

Go ahead and pester me...