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Saiyan Nation Welcome on the Dragonball junkyard here you'll find everything that's destroyed in Dragonball Z (it is in chronological order)!

In which saga? What? By who
Saiya-Jin Saga Farmers car and gun Radditz
Saiya-Jin Saga Radditz spacepod Gohan
Saiya-Jin Saga The moon Piccolo
Saiya-Jin Saga Goku's spacepod Piccolo
Saiya-Jin Saga A couple of buildings Vegeta's and Nappa's spacepods
Saiya-Jin Saga A large group of camera equipment Nappa
Saiya-Jin Saga One city, one complete air force and one complete navy Nappa
Saiya-Jin or Namek Saga Nappa's spacepod Bulma
Namek Saga Namek spaceship Freeza's man
Namek Saga A couple of Namek villages Freeza and his man
Namek Saga A regeneration chamber in Freeza's ship Vegeta
Namek Saga Planet Namek Freeza
Garlic Jr Saga Kami's Lookout (not completely) Garlic Jr
Trunks Saga Freezabot and King Colds ship Trunks
Android Saga A couple of building Android #19 and #20/Dr Gero
Android Saga A couple of cars Vegeta
Android Saga A shop Android #17
Cell Saga A couple islands with everything on it Semi-Perfect Cell
Cell Saga A camera :) Perfect Cell
Cell Saga King Kai's planet Semi-Perfect Cell

Sorry I haven't seen Dragonball Z after the world tournament saga so I don't know exectly what has been destroyed so I won't put more up!!