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Saiyan Nation Here you can find what who killed who and how many times they died.
Character Killed Has been killed # of times
Buu ??? Only once
Broli ??? 2 times (the second one is a clone)
Freeza Krillin, Dende, Vegeta, almost all Saiya-Jins and God knows who else 2 times
Gogeta ??? He doesn't die
Gohan Cell, all 7 Cell jrs ???
Goku The Evil Shenlongs, Grandpa Gohan 2 times
Goten Broli 2 times (more less) ???
Krillin Nobody 2 times
Nappa Piccolo, a couple Humans 2 times (by Vegeta)
Piccolo Goku, Radditz Only once
Ten Nobody Only once
Trunks Broli (more less) Only once
Vegeta Nappa (2 times), Guldo, Burter, Jeich, Recoome, Android #15, Android #19, 30 Nameks (or so), some Humans and probably some more 2 times
Vegetto Nobody He doesn't die
NOTE I thought that Buu had blown up the Earth once but I'm not sure so if that is true mail me and count one death to every one extra exept Vegeta, Goku, Dende and the bad guys. +1