The Fusion Dance
The fusion dance is the dance used to fuse 2 people into 1. This is done by the 2 people that are fusing, they need to perform a dance which the after being done correctly the new person resulting from the 2 will be much stronger. The 2 people need to be some what the same size and shape, and there power levels need to be the same. The fusion will last for 30 minutes. After this time the fusion can not be reperformed untill 60 more minutes.

Potara Earrings
This fusion is done by 2 people as in the fusion dance. They need to wear the earings so that each have one in an opposite ear than the other. They also have to have only done 1 fusion in their life. The fusion is permanent unless the fusion is with a magical being then the fusion wears off.

Namekician Absorbent
The Namekician Absorbent can only be done by nameks.Piccolo and Nails,and Kame do it in Dragon Ball Z. The absorbent is permanent, there is no way to undo this. The way the Namekicains use this type of fusion they concentrate,put there hand on the other namekicians chest,then concentrate about the person,and the namekician has fused by absorbing.

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