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King Kai

He is the King of the North side of the galaxy, and he does his job very well.

History of the Person: His birthday is unknown...but he seems to be very old! He trains dear Goku when he reaches the end of Snake Way, and King Kai's humour is a nice addition to the series. He has always lived in Heaven with a monkey and a cricket...what a life. During the Cell Saga, King Kai dies, because of Cell's explosion, but seeing asa he already lives in Heaven, there it isn't really a big deal for him.

First Appeared In: Volume #18.

Characteristics: Thanks to the anteannas that are on his head, he can survey the planets that he in charge of. He can also create whatever he wants, such as a gi for Goku with the Kaio emblem on the back (It's Ripping!) With his monkey, Bubbles, at his side, he lives on his tiny planet at the end of Snake Way. He loves to drive his car around his planet (although no one ever sees him do so...), but his biggest passion are his play-on-words and his puns and jokes! He is an amazing master of martial arts, and those who wish to train with him must complete these two conditions: 1.)You must take a walk across Snake Way. 2.)And you must be able to make King Kai laugh. This last condition is very strange to some martial art trainers, because most are so serious that to make someone laugh is not an easy feat. King Kai is also the master of various and famous techniques, such as the Genkidama and the Kaioken.

Techniques: King Kai has the ability to comminucate through telepathy, and he also is the creator of the Genkidama and the Kaioken.

Anime: In the anime, King Kai is the one who always explains what happens, such as with the Saiyens, and the destruction of Planet Vegeta. In one of the movies, he competes with Goku in the Tournement of the Heavens. All of the Kais reunite at the time of the year.


Bubbles is King Kai's pet animal.

First Appeared:Volume #18

Characteristics:He is a strange monkey, and very hyper, especially upon the arrival of Goku. He isn't a dead monkey, but a living monkey in heaven. He can live at a gravity level ten times that of Earth's, and it really doesn't seem to bug him at all.

Anime: In the anime, such as is done for Goku, the friends of Goku (Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo and Chaozu) try to capture Bubbles, but the don't do it in half the time Goku does. Oh well.


Katats is part of the Namek family, he is a specialist in the DragonBalls.

First Appeared:Volume #23

Characteristics:Katats is the father of Kami and of the Demon Piccolo.


He is the God of the Earth, or as we know it, the Guardian of Earth.

History of the Person: He is the son of a lost Namek, and he has lived on Earth for a greater percent of his life. No one really knows his true name. Around the year of 250, he is evacuated from Namek because of the catastrophic storms. After a number of years training in the martial arts, he becomes the disciple of the ex-God of Earth. In 767, he fuses with Piccolo, and they become one, once again.

First Appeared In: Volume #14.

Characteristics: Before Dende takes his place as God, Kami spent many years as the God of the Earth. It was him that created the Dragonballs on Earth, and he also trains Goku as well as his friends. He usually ignores the fact that he isn't even an earthling, yet he is the God... At a young age, to become, shall we say, "clean", to be God, he separates all the bad from him, but unfortunely creates the demon Piccolo.

Techniques: He can penetrate Shenron's spirit, create clothes, and he can come and go from all the worlds(Earth, Heaven or Hell).

World Fighting Championship Tournament: He participates uder the name of Shen (hint hint) in the 23rd Tournament, while borrowing the body of an old man. But, his main goal was to fight Piccolo, and lock him up in a bottle, but, Piccolo counter-Maufuba's him, and he is locked up in a bottle.

Anime: In one of the movies, we can see Kami battling it out with Garlic to win the throne of Guardian. In the Garlic Jr. Saga, he is forced to go pour the Sacred Water down the place where the winds flow, but he runs into some trouble with some angry ex-Guardians.


Korin looks like a normal cat, but he is very different from a regular house cat.

History Of The Person:Korin is over 800 years old. His address is ffa 44195 sq Korin's Tower.

First Appeared:Volume #8

Characteristics:Physically there is nothing really that special about Korin. In reality Korin is an expert in martial arts who is consider as a god, but not as high as Kami. Korin is the protector between the Earth and the Heavens. Only the very few people who can climb the long and exhausting tower to get to him and recieve his training. His training is very difficult, but he is not very severe and will most likely help his students rather than discourage them. His training is to catch him carrying a stick with "Special Water" on it. It took Master Roshi 3 years to succeed in catching Korin. It took Goku only 3 days to preform the same task and the other Z-Fighters about the same time as Goku to catch Korin. The truth is that the "Special Water" is just, regular, plain, normal, water. The training comes in catching Korin. Korin is a very patient and helpful person. It the later times, Korin cultivates Senzus Beans to help the Z-Fighters out. One interesting fact about Korin, which actually makes a lot of sense, is that he is of dogs.

His Main Fights:Korin never really fights, but he does train a lot. This is the closest that he ever comes to actually fighting.

Anime:In the Garlic Junior episodes, Korin is stuck with Marron who was left by Krillin. Korin after seeing Marron in herbathing suit and working out cooks her meal and to me seems very interested in Krillin's girlfriend. In a game of poker, Korin and Yajirobe were losing horribly against her even though Korin can read minds.

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