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Majin Moves

Kamehameha: A blast which is started by the user gathering energy into his cupped hands, which are held at waist level. The user then, quickly brings his hands forward and releases a fairly large blast. No requirements

Jan-Ken Punch: A series of punches and and attacks with nails (for Nameks), and fingers (for Saiyans, and Humans). No requirements.

Renzoku Energy Dan: A series of rapid-fire blasts shot from the user's outstreched arms, with palms facing the target. The blasts come on after the other creating a "machine-gun like" blast attack. This is first used when Vegeta fights Gohan during their original encounter on Earth. No requirements.

Solar Flare: The user places his/her fingers in front of his/her face, and shouts "Solar Flare!". The user then lights up very brightly, blinding the victim. This attack is good for setting up a more powerful attack, like Big Bang, or Spirit Bomb. The victim of Solar Flare is blinded for the turn after the attack is used, and cannot fight. No Requirements.

Kiaiho: An invisible blast, resembling a shockwave, is shot from the user's hands, knocking down his/her victim. No requirements.

Zanzoken: The user moves so quickly that he/she leaves an after image while attacking from a different location. An excellent dodging, and counter-attack, techniuqe . Requirements= Power Level of 5,500.

Quick Slash: A Quick attack that utilizes a sword. This is a good attack for a person with high speed, or against a person with low speed. Requirements= Power level of 1,500, and Requires a Sword.

Hasshuken: The user moves his/her arms so fast that they look like eight. The user then attacks with all eight. No Requirements.

Bukujutsu: This is the ability to fly with one's own Ki. Good for dodging attacks, and for making your own attacks harder to dodge. No Requirements.

Barrier: This purely defensive technique forms a Ki-shield around the body that protects the user from Ki or similar attacks. This will protect the user for the next 3 attacks from his opponent. Although when using barrier, the user cannot attack. This move is best used for charging an attack, or doing a power up. Requirments= Power Level of 15,000.

Eraser Cannon: This is one of the most powerful techniques of Rikum, one of the members of the Ginyu. It is a large, powerful Ki blast shot from the mouth, and can destroy in a very large radius from where it hits. This is also used by Piccolo a few times during the Z series. Requirments= Power Level of 25,000.

Fusion: This technique is used to fuse two people into a single person, and give the fused person a huge power boost that’s the two fighters PL’s added together then multiplied by two. To Perform Fusion, you both simply say Fusion, and you will be fused. The Fusion lasts for 10 turns before the fused person becomes two again. To perform this fusion, the two people must both know fusion. The one in control will be the more powerful fighter. The Fused fighter will be able to use all the moves each fighter knows. Requirments= Power Level of 50,000 for each fighter.

Teleportation: This move is used mostly as a dodging, and suprise attack technuiqe. The user places two fingers on his/her and thinks of where they want to go. The user is then instantly teleported there. Can be used to instantly travel to planets that you have already visited. Requirements= Power level of 15,000.

Bakuha - By raising two fingers, the user of this attack can create a large explosion that will totally decimate the surrounding area or the ground under an opponent. Not good for a fight when you have a teammate, but good if you are facing multiple opponents by yourself. Requirments= Power Level of 10,000.

Explosion Wave: This move was first used by Majin-Vegeta in his fight with Goku. A highly powerful attack that is charged by throwing your hands into the air, and forcing energy through your entire body. This results in a massive wave of explosive energy coursing all around your body and finally releasing in a blast that encompases an area of 360 Degrees. Requirments= Power Level of 150,000.

Genocide Attack: This is not an attack that can be used in the heat of battle, because it takes two turns to charge (used best with Barrier), but is probably one of the single most devastating attacks ever used in the DB/DBZ series. It is a series of Ki blasts shot into the air, which seek their targets upon being fired. After looking down on the Earth, Majin-Buu used this technique to kill every human on Earth. When used against one person, this technique is almost as powerful as the Genki-Dama, and it will be a lot more useful if the persons Speed is way way above yours. Requirments= Power Level of 200,000.

Kaioken: A power-up move. The user shouts "Kaioken Attack!" and his/her Power Level triples, and Ki quadruples. This attack can be multiplied, increasing it's power. For each time the move is multiplied the user gains a boost of 4,000 in his/her Power Level. Kaioken lasts for 3 turns. Requirements= This Move requires King Kai's Training for the first boost and an extra 1,000 for each time it's multiplied. So Kaioken x1= Power Level of 5,000 and Kaioken x2= Power Level of 6,000 and so on.

Spirit Bomb: The most powerful attack known. The user gathers energy from all living creatures on Earth and channels that energy into a ball. The user then throws that ball at his/her victim. No one can survive a direct hit with a Spirit Bomb. Requirements= Power level of 10,000. This move also requires King Kai's training.

SuperMajin: Same as SuperSayain, only used by Majins. The attacks are: SM, SMJ2, SMJ3, SMJ4. Reguirements= Same as those for SuperSaiyan.

Mystical Power Up: An incredibly powerful powerup, this powerup will allow fighters who aren't SSJ3 or SSJ4 to compete with SSJ3. When used in Battle This Move Triples all Your stats (except Health) for the entire fight. To activate The user Must say "Mystical Power Up" to activate the Move. Requirements: Kaio-shins Training.

Android Moves

Kamehameha: A blast which is started by the user gathering energy into his cupped hands, which are held at waist level. The user then, quickly brings his hands forward and releases a fairly large blast. No requirements

Renzoku Energy Dan: A series of rapid-fire blasts shot from the user's outstreched arms, with palms facing the target. The blasts come on after the other creating a "machine-gun like" blast attack. This is first used when Vegeta fights Gohan during their original encounter on Earth. No requirements.

Quick Slash: A Quick attack that utilizes a sword. This is a good attack for a person with high speed, or against a person with low speed. Requirements= Power level of 1,500, and Requires a Sword

Chou-Kamehameha: A blast which is identical to the kamehameha only 10x as strong. Also known as the "Ultimate Kamehameha". Requirements= Power Level of 3,000.

Kakusan: This move was used by Krillian while battling the Sieba Men when the Saiyans first arrived on Earth. This move is a slow but powerful attack. The user gathers energy by pulling their hands near there chest then throwing their arms into the air. He then releases the energy into the air. When the energy gets strong enough the user pulls the energy back to the earth. He then splits the energy into 6 beams. This is useful in a fight against multiple foes. Yet when aginst one opponet the 6 beams are directed onto that one person. Requirments= Power Level of 4,000

Barrier: This purely defensive technique forms a Ki-shield around the body that protects the user from Ki or similar attacks. This will protect the user for the next 3 attacks from his opponent. Although when using barrier, the user cannot attack. This move is best used for charging an attack, or doing a power up. Requirments= Power Level of 15,000

Eraser Cannon: This is one of the most powerful techniques of Rikum, one of the members of the Ginyu. It is a large, powerful Ki blast shot from the mouth, and can destroy in a very large radius from where it hits. This is also used by Piccolo a few times during the Z series. Requirments= Power Level of 25,000

Wild Bore Attack: The user attacks his or her opponent like a wild bore, and Head Butts him. This was one of the many attacks Gotenks used against Buu. This is a handy attack for it catches your opponent by surprise, yet doesn’t deal a lot of damage for it is a relatively week attack. It is fun to use if you way overpower your opponent. Requirements= Power level of 10,000

Revolving Attack: One of the many, "one-timer", attacks used during the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai. The user spins around furiously and shoots energy blasts all around. The downside is, when the user stops revolving, they're incredibly dizzy, and there next attack will be relatively weak. Requirements= Power level of 5,000

Whistling: Believe it or not this is an attack. This move only affects Nameks, as it is to Nameks as Nails on Chalkboard is to Humans. This attack will cause a Namek to be more susceptible to pain on the next attack. Requirements= Power level of 2,000

Fusion: This technique is used to fuse two people into a single person, and give the fused person a huge power boost that’s the two fighters PL’s added together then multiplied by two. To Perform Fusion, you both simply say Fusion, and you will be fused. The Fusion lasts for 10 turns before the fused person becomes two again. To perform this fusion, the two people must both know fusion. The one in control will be the more powerful fighter. The Fused fighter will be able to use all the moves each fighter knows. Requirments= Power Level of 50,000 for each fighter.

Genocide Attack: This is not an attack that can be used in the heat of battle, because it takes two turns to charge (used best with Barrier), but is probably one of the single most devastating attacks ever used in the DB/DBZ series. It is a series of Ki blasts shot into the air, which seek their targets upon being fired. After looking down on the Earth, Majin-Buu used this technique to kill every human on Earth. When used against one person, this technique is almost as powerful as the Genki-Dama, and it will be a lot more useful if the persons Speed is way way above yours. Requirments= Power Level of 200,000

Renzoku Shine: This is Gotenks' adaptation of the Renzoku Energy Dan technique. Basically the same, but a whole lot more powerful. This technique is shot using both hands. Requirments= Power Level of 30,000

Eye Beam: The user looks directly at the victim, and shoots two laser like, beams out of his/her eyes. No requirements.

Tendrill Electrocution: Wires are released from your arms and wraps around your opponent electricuting him. This can be a very dangerous move when it comes to fighitng other Andriods. Requirements: Power level of 10,000

Dark Thunder: The user puts his/her arms together and charges their Ki into the form of thunder. It is then released at high levels of voltage sending out block ki shots as in flies through the air. Requirements: Power level of 15,000

Crasher Ball: A lot like the Genki-Dama that Goku gave to Kulilin, the Crasher Ball is a ball-ball that is produced from the palm of the hand. I don't think one ever actually connected during the series though, it was just used as a diversion. Requirments= Power Level of 3,000

Dodonpa: One of the major techniques of the Crane Master, this is a blast shot from one finger, which explodes upon impact. The most basic Dodonpa is more powerful than the most basic Kamehameha, but the Kamehameha can become more powerful. Requirments= Power Level of 2,500.

Double Blast: This is a move that Kulilin developed for use during the 23rd Tenkaichi-Budokai. He shoots a Kamehameha-like blast from each hand, then can guide the blasts toward his enemy. Requirments= Power Level of 6,000.

Solar Flare: The user places his/her fingers in front of his/her face, and shouts "Solar Flare!". The user then lights up very brightly, blinding the victim. This attack is good for setting up a more powerful attack, like Big Bang, or Spirit Bomb. The victim of Solar Flare is blinded for the turn after the attack is used, and cannot fight. No Requirements.

Hell's Flash: This is considered Artificial Human 16's second strongest attack, (and his coolest). He throws his opponent deep into the ground, then removes his hands and aims his arm cannons in the crater he created by smashing his victim into the ground. He then shouts the name of the attack, and lets a furious barrage of high-powered energy blasts into the Earth. The beams of the attack actually fill up the hole in the earth and shoot up through the crust of the Earth, creating huge holes in the ground. Requirements= Power level of 80,000

Destructo Disc: User holds one of his/her arms up, and creates a large spinning disc hovering above his/her arm. The powerful disc is then thrown at the user's victim, cutting, and destroying, whatever gets in its way. Requirements= Power level of 5,000

Split Form: The user creates two clones of him/herself and all attack at once. The clones' and the user's power level drops to one third its normal level. Requirements= Power level of 2,500.

Rocket Punch: You gather up energy and fire your fist off of your hand slamming into your opponent. It is not very powerful but it is good for a surprise attack. Requirements= Power level of 3,000

Energy Typhoon: A storm of Ki Energy that is send out accross the battle field blasting anything in its path. It is very destructive and can even hurt you and your partners. Requirements: Power level of 23,000

Internal Battery: You use all your Ki and form it into a giant energy ball. When fired at critical mass, if it hits then it is nearly as strong as the Spirit Bomb. Requirements= Power Level of 150,000

Kiaiho: An invisible blast, resembling a shockwave, is shot from the user's hands, knocking down his/her victim. No requirements.

Zanzoken: The user moves so quickly that he/she leaves an after image while attacking from a different location. An excellent dodging, and counter-attack, techniuqe . Requirements= Power Level of 5,500.

Jan-Ken Punch: A series of punches and and attacks with nails (for Nameks), and fingers (for Saiyans, and Humans). No requirements.

Hasshuken: The user moves his/her arms so fast that they look like eight. The user then attacks with all eight. No Requirements

Bukujutsu: This is the ability to fly with one's own Ki. Good for dodging attacks, and for making your own attacks harder to dodge. No Requirements.

Absorbing: This allows to drain an opponent of his energy unless your cell you just absorb the whole body.(no requirements.

Kaioken: A power-up move. The user shouts "Kaioken Attack!" and his/her Power Level triples, Speed doubles, and Ki quadruples. This attack can be multiplied, increasing it's power. For each time the move is multiplied the user gains a boost of 1,000 in his/her Power Level. Kaioken lasts for 3 turns. Requirements= Power Level of 1,000 for the first boost and an extra 1,000 for each time it's multiplied. So Kaioken x1= Power Level of 5,000, and Kaioken x2= Power Level of 6,000. This Move also requires King Kai's Training.

Spirit Bomb: The most powerful attack known. The user gathers energy from all living creatures on Earth and channels that energy into a ball. The user then throws that ball at his/her victim. No one can survive a direct hit with a Spirit Bomb. Requirements= Power levelof 10,000. This move also requires King Kai's training.

SuperAndroid: Same as SuperSaiyan, only used by Androids. The attacks are: SA SAJ2, SAJ3 SAJ4. Reguirements= Same as those for SuperSaiyan.

Mystical Power Up: An incredibly powerful powerup, this powerup will allow fighters who aren't SSJ3 or SSJ4 to compete with SSJ3. When used in Battle This Move Triples all Your stats (except Health) for the entire fight. To activate The user Must say "Mystical Power Up" to activate the Move. Requirements: Kaio-shins Training.

Bebi Moves

Kamehameha: A blast which is started by the user gathering energy into his cupped hands, which are held at waist level. The user then, quickly brings his hands forward and releases a fairly large blast. No requirements

Jan-Ken Punch: A series of punches and and attacks with nails (for Nameks), and fingers (for Saiyans, and Humans). No requirements.

Renzoku Energy Dan: A series of rapid-fire blasts shot from the user's outstreched arms, with palms facing the target. The blasts come on after the other creating a "machine-gun like" blast attack. This is first used when Vegeta fights Gohan during their original encounter on Earth. No requirements.

Solar Flare: The user places his/her fingers in front of his/her face, and shouts "Solar Flare!". The user then lights up very brightly, blinding the victim. This attack is good for setting up a more powerful attack, like Big Bang, or Spirit Bomb. The victim of Solar Flare is blinded for the turn after the attack is used, and cannot fight. No Requirements.

Kiaiho: An invisible blast, resembling a shockwave, is shot from the user's hands, knocking down his/her victim. No requirements.

Zanzoken: The user moves so quickly that he/she leaves an after image while attacking from a different location. An excellent dodging, and counter-attack, techniuqe . Requirements= Power Level of 5,500.

Quick Slash: A Quick attack that utilizes a sword. This is a good attack for a person with high speed, or against a person with low speed. Requirements= Power level of 1,500, and Requires a Sword.

Hasshuken: The user moves his/her arms so fast that they look like eight. The user then attacks with all eight. No Requirements.

Bukujutsu: This is the ability to fly with one's own Ki. Good for dodging attacks, and for making your own attacks harder to dodge. No Requirements.

Barrier: This purely defensive technique forms a Ki-shield around the body that protects the user from Ki or similar attacks. This will protect the user for the next 3 attacks from his opponent. Although when using barrier, the user cannot attack. This move is best used for charging an attack, or doing a power up. Requirments= Power Level of 15,000.

Eraser Cannon: This is one of the most powerful techniques of Rikum, one of the members of the Ginyu. It is a large, powerful Ki blast shot from the mouth, and can destroy in a very large radius from where it hits. This is also used by Piccolo a few times during the Z series. Requirments= Power Level of 25,000.

Fusion: This technique is used to fuse two people into a single person, and give the fused person a huge power boost that’s the two fighters PL’s added together then multiplied by two. To Perform Fusion, you both simply say Fusion, and you will be fused. The Fusion lasts for 10 turns before the fused person becomes two again. To perform this fusion, the two people must both know fusion. The one in control will be the more powerful fighter. The Fused fighter will be able to use all the moves each fighter knows. Requirments= Power Level of 50,000 for each fighter.

Teleportation: This move is used mostly as a dodging, and suprise attack technuiqe. The user places two fingers on his/her and thinks of where they want to go. The user is then instantly teleported there. Can be used to instantly travel to planets that you have already visited. Requirements= Power level of 15,000.

Bakuha - By raising two fingers, the user of this attack can create a large explosion that will totally decimate the surrounding area or the ground under an opponent. Not good for a fight when you have a teammate, but good if you are facing multiple opponents by yourself. Requirments= Power Level of 10,000.

Explosion Wave: This move was first used by Majin-Vegeta in his fight with Goku. A highly powerful attack that is charged by throwing your hands into the air, and forcing energy through your entire body. This results in a massive wave of explosive energy coursing all around your body and finally releasing in a blast that encompases an area of 360 Degrees. Requirments= Power Level of 150,000.

Genocide Attack: This is not an attack that can be used in the heat of battle, because it takes two turns to charge (used best with Barrier), but is probably one of the single most devastating attacks ever used in the DB/DBZ series. It is a series of Ki blasts shot into the air, which seek their targets upon being fired. After looking down on the Earth, Majin-Buu used this technique to kill every human on Earth. When used against one person, this technique is almost as powerful as the Genki-Dama, and it will be a lot more useful if the persons Speed is way way above yours. Requirments= Power Level of 200,000.

Kaioken: A power-up move. The user shouts "Kaioken Attack!" and his/her Power Level triples, and Ki quadruples. This attack can be multiplied, increasing it's power. For each time the move is multiplied the user gains a boost of 4,000 in his/her Power Level. Kaioken lasts for 3 turns. Requirements= This Move requires King Kai's Training for the first boost and an extra 1,000 for each time it's multiplied. So Kaioken x1= Power Level of 5,000 and Kaioken x2= Power Level of 6,000 and so on.

Spirit Bomb: The most powerful attack known. The user gathers energy from all living creatures on Earth and channels that energy into a ball. The user then throws that ball at his/her victim. No one can survive a direct hit with a Spirit Bomb. Requirements= Power level of 10,000. This move also requires King Kai's training.

SuperBebi: Same as SuperSayain, only used by Bebis. The attacks are: SB, SBJ2, SBJ3, SBJ4. Reguirements= Same as those for SuperSaiyan.

Mystical Power Up: An incredibly powerful powerup, this powerup will allow fighters who aren't SSJ3 or SSJ4 to compete with SSJ3. When used in Battle This Move Triples all Your stats (except Health) for the entire fight. To activate The user Must say "Mystical Power Up" to activate the Move. Requirements: Kaio-shins Training.