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Blizzard1's Domain

Welcome to my quasi humble domain

I am Sean, aka Blizzard1 to anyone who actually knows me. Well its like this, I have made way too many web sites, all of them sucked you didnt miss anything if you didnt see them, but can we focus now, thanks, anyway, sorry bout that, this site as well was once, I wouldnt say complex, but it did include many facets of information that was basically useless stupid crap, I mean, uh, so important and vital it was painstakingly hard to delete, yeah. However, to simplify, and prioritize, this site is one page, which could get pretty long if I keep rambling huh, oh well just bear with me, but its going to be one long page of information, just about me, and its to be used as an informative tool for anyone who cares to learn about me, and yes I realize no one wants to learn anything about me, but then again, if you dont, what the hell you doing wasting your time reading this?

Oh, and I can do this! "¿"

And just to let you know when you were last here, today is:

Where to begin? Well how about with this: I fancy myself to be a bit of a philosopher and a writer of useless ignorant nonsensical quotes that do not appeal to the masses, or to anyone, well, besides me? Proof, you want proof? Well you did ask for it:

“Well, ‘that’ is simply a theoretical metaphor for our inner most secretive societal outlooks...” Sean Reed, 5-31-01

There is plenty more where that came from also. But anyway I promise to take this seriously from now on, dont hold me to that, and were off!

Ok, well I gotta try not to make this like, super long, and yet interesting, ok this is gonna be quite challenging indeed. However its going to start out in paragraph form, maybe move to a list for some aspects, yeah its weird, yeah its unconventional, but you know you love it. I was born in Ohio, a really small town no one has ever heard of and probably wouldn’t be able to find on a map even if one was so inclined to try, however it was Ohio’s first capitol, so if you know anything about the history of Ohio, not only are you a loser, but also you can figure out where I was born….sorry bout that loser joke…..but hey, you are?. Now after just about 16 years I moved to a even smaller town, in northern Wisconsin, yeah way to trade up huh? But it was great, and I had a great time for the year I lived there before I was tore from the way of life I had come to know and love and was forced, I may be exaggerating some, to move to southern Alabama, very southern. I still reside in Alabama, and probably will until I graduate from college, and that seems to be taking forever….no I didn’t fail anything cause im a moron, im just impatient, geez, im glad you people got faith in me here. And if your trying to add up all that to see how old I am, let me make it easier on you, I was born on 7-22-83, and if you suck at math that means im 36 years old, and if you believe that your an idiot, as well as gullible. But life isn’t unbearable, I am in love with the most amazing, incredibly wonderful girl, that I have ever had the pleasure of talking to in my life.

But now we got that whole where I live thing out of the way I guess maybe I can list some information for your general knowledge.

  • My favorite color is blue, and if you don’t like blue, just uh, you suck?.

  • My favorite number is 8, and again, 8 is awesome, you make fun of 8 and I may not ever forgive you, 88 is good too, and if you must have three digits, you guessed it, 887, just kidding, 888. Tricked you for a second no?.

    I have many favorite movies, and so like, to say that I like one more than the other, isn’t very fair, if I was forced to pick, I mean if the yakuza was holding a gun to my head and shouting some weird japanese curse words at me, id say my favorite movie was Fight Club, but let us pray that doesn’t happen, id hate to have to call in a favor from someone to give em the death stare in retribution for their horrible acts against me, I mean, me, how dare they?. But yes Fight Club is clearly my favorite, others include but are NOT limited to:

    • Shawshank Redemption
    • American Beauty
    • American Psycho
    • Big Lewbowski
    • Bullitt
    • Matrix
    • Oceans Eleven
    • Payback
    • The entire Star Wars Saga
    • The Trouble With Harry
    • Young Frankenstein
    • A Christmas Story
    • A Beautiful Mind
    • The Usual Suspects
    • Seven
    • Royal Tenenbaums
    • Memento
    • And many many more

    My favorite music, well that’s trickier, cause im insane, or so ive been told, for you see I predominantly listen to 60’s-70’s music, very lil newer music, and except some jam bands like Phish, Moe, pretty much nothing else. Im not even going to list songs, just know my favorites are from the 60’s-70’s and scream, your so freaking weird!. It’ll be ok, really. Well, maybe not.

    Ok, um, now what, oh right, almost forgot what I was doing, but yeah, im obsessed with technology, video games, and im becoming so with anime.

    Some of my favorite anime is:

    • DragonBall Z - it is the undisputed king of anime
    • Escaflowne - the greatest 26 ep series I have ever seen
    • Trigun - one of the weirdest, but most entertaining series around
    • Cowboy Bebop - I havent seen it all, but I love what I have seen so far
    • Yu Yu Hakusho - amazing, im thinking itll move up near dbz's level of importance with time, its very long and ive only just begun to see what is to come, im excited by the prospect of its future greatness.
    • Ghost in the Shell - one of the best anime movies I have seen
    • Jin-Roh - watch it if nothing else, just to hear the great version of Rotkappchen that is read during the movie, trust me on this.

    There are far too many great games our there for me to recomend any, but just realize I know about games, I own the following consoles:

    • NES
    • SNES
    • N64
    • Gameboy-Gameboy Advance
    • Sega Genesis
    • Sega CD
    • Sega 32X
    • Sega Saturn
    • Sega Dreamcast
    • NEC Turbo Grafx 16 (not a typo.)
    • Panasonic 3DO
    • Sony Playstation
    • Sony Playstation 2
    • Nintendo Gamecube
    • Microsoft Xbox
    • Neo Geo Pocket Color
    • Sega Nomad
    • Thousands of games for them all combined

    Well I guess for putting up with me for this long you deserve to see a picture (if i had mentioned a picture was at the end of the page would you of read all the way down? Didnt think so.)


    Well now youve suffered through my site how about checking one out that actually deserves your attention, just click on the button below and trust me, you wont regret it.

    <bgsound src="er.mid" loop=infinite>