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Offering Message: Financial Meltdown?
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New Vocabulary ( Saad !niid7g77)
          Economy – Naaly4h4 D00 Na’iiniih Bi[ Haz’11j9
          Large Company – Ntsaago Naanish Bi[ Nahaz’1n7g77
          Loan/borrow – b4eso 1’ii’n77[
          Loan Companies – B4eso !da’iin7[7g77, B4eso !’ii’n77[ Bi[ Nahaz’1n7g77
          Mortgage Companies– Hooghan Baa Ndahaniihoo B4eso Ada’iin7[7g77
          Retail Companies– Ntsaago Nda’iiniihg00 Bi[ Nahaz’1n7g77
Two weeks ago we heard about the fall of several companies. From that, our nation’s economy was in danger of collapse. I don’t know if you heard about it or are aware of it. But, I’m going to summarize what had happened so that should things get worse, you won’t be surprised.
Naaki dam0o aleeh65d33’ baa dahodiists’32’go ntsaago naanish d00 b4eso 1’ii’n77[ bi[ nahaz’1n7g77 bindaanish65 bits’33’ yaa 1daadzaa. !ko d77 nihik4yah t’11 1t’4 yohodidoo[t’ihgo 1t’4 naaly4h4 d00 na’iiniih
bi[ haz’11j9
. Baa dahosidoots’33’ daats’9 11d00 baa 1kodanohsin daats’9. $7 t’11 1[ts’7s7go baa ch7’hodeesht’11[. !ko baa 1kon7n7zin doolee[.

Over the past couple of years the housing market has been down. Mortgage companies were trying hard to sell homes so bad that at one point they were approving anybody regardless of their credit rating. So when these people bought homes on credit, they weren’t able to pay for their homes and were evicted. Mortgage companies then lost this money and went bankrupt. These companies include Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. These mortgage companies borrowed money from banks to survive. When these companies went out of business, the banks that backed them lost value in their money. This caused a decrease in the stock market.
Naaki n11hai d00 w0shd66’ hooghan dahaniih biniy4 b4eso 1’ii’n7[7g77 bich’8’ hodiizn33’. Hooghan baa ndahaniihoo b4eso ada’iin7[7g77 t’11 h17sh99 hooghan biniy4 b4eso sha’doo’ni[ daan7igo 1zh3 b22h adaajil7g77 ak44d00 ndaadleeh d00 doo hazh0’0 nda’iil4e ndi hooghan yiniy4 t’00 ahay07 b4eso baa da’iisnil. T’00 ahay07 hooghan biniy4 b4eso ba’da’iisnil65 yi’oh ]dadinideehgo biniinaa ch’7dahohn44h dabi’doo’niid. !h0t’4ego b4eso ada’iiznil65 doo b4eso baa ]dahind44hg00 biniinaa bib4eso t’00 y00’adayiiznil nahalin7gi 1dzaa. Freddie Mac d00 Fannie Mae 4iy1 t’11 7iyis77 ntsaago bi[ haz’1, hooghan baa ndahaniihgo. $7 atah bich’8’ hodiizn11’. !ko d77 1t’4ego ntsaago da’77n7ishgo bi[ nahaz’1n65 7n11sg00 b7 a[d0’ b4eso baa da’iisnil. !ko d77 ntsaago hooghan baa ndahaniihgo bi[ nahaz’1n65 bich’8’ dahodiizn32’go hooghan t’11 b7ni’dii daazl9’65 doo da’7l7i da daazl99’. N11n1 t’00 ahay07 47 t’11 b7ni’dii naaznil k’ad. !ko t’11 a[tsog00 nda’iiniihj9 yohodii[t’8’.
This is what the stock market is like. Nobody owns huge companies like Wal-Mart or Texaco. People own part’s of that company. What they own is called stock. When a company is successful, that stock they have is worth a lot of money. Also, when a person has stock, they get paid a small percentage of the profits of the company every year. So if a person has a lot of stock, they get a larger percentage of the profits. Some people keep it, while other people sell it. Selling and trading this stock is called the stock market.
Stock market 47 d77 at’1o naalnish. Wal-Mart 1daat’4h7g77 d00 Texaco d00 ntsaago nda’iiniihg00 bi[ nahaz’1n7g77 doo t’11[1’7 din4 siz7n7g77 b7 da. Haash99 n4el33’ din4go 47 daab7. !ko d77 nda’iiniih7g77
bi[ nahaz’11g00 t’00 ahay07g00 a[ts’77s7go a[ts’1daasdzohgo din4
ndayii[niih. !ko 47 daab7. Naaly4h4 b1 haz’1ago akeedl1ago 47 d77 1[ts’77s7go a[ts’1daasdzoh y65 ay00 7l7i yileeh. !ko a[ts’77s7go a[ts’1daasdzoh y65 [a’ njii[nihgo t’11 nin1h1h33h bik’eh binahj8’ b4eso h22 hind65h [eh. !ko d77 1[ts’77s7go a[ts’1daasdzoh y65 t’00 ahay07 njiisnii’go 47 binahj8’ [1 h22 n1hind65h doo. !ko d77 a[ts’77s7go a[ts’1daasdzoh y65 [a’ 47 n7zaadg00 bee dah0l= 11d00 [a’ 47 t’1adoo hodina’1 baa n11dahaniih. D77 ‘1h dei[n7 Stock Market.

To keep people hired, the government bought Freddie Mae and Fannie Mac, so that people could trade their stock like normal and so that the people who were hired by them could still work. Two weeks ago, a mortgage company named Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. When this occurred, people who worked for this company also lost their retirement funds. Thousands of people were fired. The stock people had from this company became worthless. Rich people who lived off this stock became poor overnight. The government wanted to increase the National Debt by $700 billion to buy this company so that stock does not lose value. This plan was approved and was called the $700 Financial Industry Bail Out. You guys probably heard about it.
!ko t’11 da’77n7ish doolee[ d00 hooghan t’11 ndahaniih doolee[go kin n1h1lgaij7 naat’1anii danil7n7g77 Freddie Mac d00 Fannie Mae nidishn7n65 ndayiisnii’. N11’1[d0’ naaki dam0o azl9’65d66’ b4eso 1’ii’n7i[go bi[ haz’1n7g77 Lehman Brothers woly4ego a[d0 bich’8’ hodiizn33’. !ko Lehman Brothers y1 ndaalnish65 bis1 bib4eso y65 a[tso bits’33’ ‘1adoo naasdl9’7 da. T’00 ahay07 Lehman Brothers y1 ndaalnish65 naanish bits’33’ 1dasdiid. !ko d77 a[ts’77s7go a[ts’1daasdzoh baa hasne’65 doo da’7l7i da daazl99’. !ko d77 1[ts’77s7go a[ts’1daasdzoh7g77 t’00 ahay07 ndayiisnii’65 t’11 hoosch’8’ b4eso a[tso doo b44dahozin da. !ko d77 a[ts’77s7go a[ts’1daasdzoh y65 haash99 n7[tsogo 7l7i doogo biniy4 Washington tsosts’idi neezn1diin dam77l t’11 7iyis77 ntsaa7g77 biniy4 b4eso nin1deidee’aahgo yaa ]daat’7.
For us on the reservation, we don’t think that these economic changes influence us. When companies go bankrupt and the stock market goes down, the banks try to gain back their money by increasing the credit interest. This causes the price of gas or toilet paper or food to increase.
D77 din4 nihi[ hahoodzoj7 47 t[‘00’g00 1dahon7[7g77 doo ay0o baa 1dahoniidzin da. !ko t[‘00’j9 nda’iiniih d00 b4eso 1’iin77[ bi[ nahaz’1n7g77 bich’8 dahodii’n1ahgo t’11 a[tsog00 7n1olt2’1 d00 naaly4h4 b33h 7l7n7g77 dei 1dayii[‘88h.
Open your bible to Job 5:17.
Haa’7sh2’ Diyin Bizaad Job ashdla’ naaltssoos si’1n7 biyi’ g0ne’ tsosts’id ts’1adah7gi 22’ 1n7l44h.
We’ll read from verse 17 to verse 26.
!1d00 saad a[k44’ dah na’azhjaa’7g77 tsosts’id ts’1adah d00 naadiin hast11d7gi deidiiltah.
This passage is appropriate for what’s going on.
Kwe’4 Diyin bizaad haadzoo7g77 k’ad 1dahooni[7g77 bi[ ahee[t’4.
This passage just reminds us that though everything around us seems like it’s falling, we can’t put our trust in what we see but in God. God will keep us from falling with it.

I like how the passage ends, “Hear it and apply it.” It reminds us that we can’t be just hearers but doers o the Word. So if you’re in need or in lack, or are worried about the economy, don’t! God has promised to watch over us, and deliver us from our troubles.

T’11 a[tsoj8’ b1 da’1h0dl7h7g77 hidin7[n4eh d00 dahinits44s. !ko ndi t’1ado b22h n7ni’7. Diyin 4iy1 niha’1h1ly1n7g77 doo ne’1doon7i[ da.
Let’s pray…
Haa’7sh2’ tsodadidiilz88h…

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

...a time to weap and a time to laugh..."

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4