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Jar-Jar Binks

Anakin Skywalker


Don Wan Kiotey

Obi Wan Kenobi

Queen Amidala


Max Rebo

My oldest son, Ryan, recently purchased a Jar-Jar binks mask along with two jedi outfits and a Darth Maul costume. I came up with the idea to film a Star Wars movie outdoors.

This video begins with some shots outdoors near our home. Jar-Jar and Anakin Skywalker come walking along. Anakin sees some old friends, Obi Wan Kenobi and Queen Amidala, who warn him of danger and tell him that he must find Yoda.

Jar-Jar says "Weesa find Yoda, okeeday?" Yoda appears on a hillside and tells Jar-Jar and Anakin that the great jedi master, Don Wan Kiotey is battling Darth Maul and needs their help.

I chose the song "Pride (In the Name of Love)" by U2 for this video. The music begins and Darth Maul appears from down a dark hall. There are more scenes of Obi Wan and Amidala, a space ship flying through the air, and there are brief appearances by R2D2 and Max Reebo.

There is a battle scene where Darth Maul battles Don Wan Kiotey. During this battle, Darth Maul chops off the jedi's head with his light sabre. Jar-Jar and Anakin walk down the hall, and when Jar-Jar finds the head, he picks it up and then, realizing what he has found, he throws it back down.

The film ends with a battle scene between Anakin and Darth Maul. After running the Sith Lord through with his light sabre, Anakin walks away with Jar-Jar.

Beverly Smallwood, one of my co-workers, is a Jar-Jar Binks fan, and I have dedicated this one to her, okeeday?