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Go Figure...The Internet Babe of the Year Doesnt get hit on. Any Volunteers?
Go Figure...The Internet Babe of the Year Doesn't get hit on. Any Volunteers?

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Interveiw with Trish Stratus by Mike Fazioli. From the october 2003 issue of Raw Magazine.

Raw Magazine: do you find as a rule that your looks intimidate average-looking guys leaving you to get hit on by arrogant, cocky ones?
Trish: I don't get hit on by anyone! I don't know why, but it seems like I don't get hit on by anyone at all anymore. Maybe its an intimidation thing

Maybe its because you beat men up on television.
Maybe. But, for the most part, I think I'm very approachable.

Will you be accepting applications from guys after reading this?
(Laughs ) There's nothing to sign up for. But sure, I'll take applications.

Do you think guys in general are hung up on pick-up lines? Will a simple "hello" suffice?
Yes I do. I've said this time and time again: Do not use pick-up line on me, because it's going right out of the window. Just be yourself. I don't care how creative it is. I just don't think there is such a thing as a good pick-up line, period. Unless it's so good that I don't realize it's a pick-up line.

What's the most impulsive thing you've ever done in a relationship ?
Started one. Just going "Okay. let's try this relationship thing.

Are you one of those people who has dating rules like "On the first date you can kiss me, and on the second..."
No. The thing about all my past relationships is that they've all started out as friendships. so I haven't really done much dating per se, mostly i've found myself hanging out more and more with a friend. Next thing you know, we've leaked into a relationship: so at that point , it's just like whatever happens, happens. I'm a strong believer that everything happens for a reason, so i'll say "Que sera sera. Whatever will be,will be"

So, its safe to say your a believer in "friends with benefits"?
Yeah. it's all about companionship, so if you get the "benefits" from someone who's a friend first and foremost, that's a good thing.

Have you ever been dumped?
Yes,of course. But, for the most part my relationships have been resolved by a mutual and amicable decision.

Do you think that guy sees you on TV or in this magazine, and beats his head with a cinder block or something like that?
No, he's probably uses that as a bragging point. "Yeah, been there, had that!"

If you can take the readers into the WWE Divas' locker room is there a lot of of talk about relationships?
Not really in the locker rooms, only because we're so busy with the show and concentrations on our work. But when we're together during a little bit of down time, yeah! Especially at the Diva shoots, where we get a chance to finish our work for the day and have some dinner, maybe some wine... whew, some interesting conversations certainly take place there. I don't know what brings it on, maybe being in bikinis all day has something to do with it.

Is it likely that our male readers would like to submit applications for that job "Hey you need a photo assistant? A Gofer? Anything?"
(Laughs ) Yeah, we're always in need of oil-rubbers, Sun-umbrella holders, oh, and of course bikini hookers. There's that thing at the back of the bikini that is hard to hook and unhook, So we're taking applications for bikini hookers. Wait - Hookers might not be a good word here (laughs )

Well, you'd still get volunteers from the guys on that one. Are you more of an old-fashioned girl, or do you have no problem walking up to a guy and asking him out?
I'm not an old-fashioned girl. If i feel like walking up to a guy and talking to him, I will, I'm very instinctive that way.

What would you say is your best physical attribute?
I think it's a combination of all my qualities. I'd like to think my personality, my looks, my quirkiness and my sense of humor - its all adds up to my overall physical presence.

Have you ever danced on bar?

No. During university. I bartended to get through school, and we did the whole Coyote Ugly routine there. It was a lot of fun. I guess I was starting to show signs of exhibitionism

What do you sleep in?
Boxers and a tank top, and my slippers can always be found by my bed. I love slippers

Bunny slippers?
No, just as long as they're fuzzy and warm. They don't have to have funny heads on them or anything.

What's your opinion of one-nighters. O kay, depends or off-limits?,
Not a fan of them. Never had one, but i can understand how they happen.

WWE Superstars aside, what pro athletes do you find the hottest -baseball, basketball, football or hockey players?
I'd have to say hockey players. Much like with that I do, I love it when an athlete can combine skill, intensity, raw toughness and aggression. Hockey players are tough guys: they have that innate fighter instinct. I like that. Not that I'm just into tough guys though.

You'll go for the sensitive guy, too?
Yeah, I love a sensitive side to a guy. My Boyfriends have all been different types They've all been completely different. I don't have a particular type. I'm strongly into personalities. In fact the only thing that they've had in common is their personalities, I've always said that my boyfriends are usually a male version of Trish Stratus, personality wise - into the same likes and dislikes, similar interests. Looks really don't matter.

When you were younger, say in high school, did you ever get hit on or go out with a much older guy? Or did you ever have that nightmare scenario where a boyfriend's dad hits on you?
Oh God, No! That never happened. That would be a little uncomfortable. I've had older guys hit on me. i never went out with them, but they would hit on me.

Were you an early bloomer physically?
I'd say average. I wasn't well endowed early on, but it didn't come late either. Everything bloomed about the right time.

Was your dad a very protective father when guys started calling and taking you out?
My dad's Greek, so that goes without saying. The whole European dad thing definitely applied growing up. However, my mom was really good a finding equal ground we could all stand on. And my dad and I were actually really good friends growing up. He kind of got it. He trusted me. But, yeah, sometimes I'd lie and say "I'm going out with the girls" when really I was going out with the guys.

You probably had to do that fairly often, because I imagine that the guys started coming around pretty earlier in your life.
Well, yeah I guess so. Sometimes the less my dad knew the better. I guess we went with the theory that what dad didn't know wouldn't hurt him ... or maybe it was what dad knew would hurt him-meaning my date!

Do often find that you have to redirect guys' eye contact when they talk to you? How often do you catch guys checking you out?
(Laughs) Yes, that happens. But you could say I'm asking for it sometimes. We've all seen some of the things that Trish Stratus has worn in the ring.

And you're not shy about busting them for it?
Oh,no. I'll do it in a second. "Hi, I'm up here" Or I'll squat down to the approximate region they're staring at an say "Like I was saying..." As they're blushing face turns up for eye contact.

Without naming names. describe the worst boyfriend you've ever had.
I've never really had a bad one, because I never let myself get to that point in a relationship if I didn't know for sure he was worth having around. So I've never ever had a bad relationship and every one has always ended with a mutual decision, not because he wasn't treating me right ot was being a "bad boyfriend."

Fans would have a hard time believing you would find a guy foolish enough to willingly break up with you!
No, they've all been very amicable and mutual.

What are the chances that these guys were actually just putting up a brave front when they said "You're right, Trish, we should break up" and then as soon as your out of the room they were really going "Noooooooooo!"
(Laughs ) So that's what those noises were that I'd hear. I though it was the wind or an echo or something. All this time I thought it was mutual.

Do you ever enduce a lot of catty or jealous behavior from other women because of the way you look?
Yes. All of my life I've dealt with stereotypes. Generally, people assume I'm bitchy, not intelligent, girly-girlish. I'd say those are the top three totally false notions about me- from women and men. I thrive on the challenge of tearing down conventional notions and conceptions. When I encounter someone who behaving catty, first off I try ot kill them with kindness; it's hard to be bitchy to someone who is being nice to you.

And if that doesn't work, you just out and out kill them?
Right. I kill them with a Chick Kick or something like that.

Do you buy into the whole premise that women are more like cats and men are more like dogs? Because you can pretty easily get a dog to do whatever you want, and cats are a lot harder that way.
I've seen plenty of guys who can get women to do whatever they wan, so I'd say it goes both ways. It all depends on your personal disposition. There are plenty of women who are like cats and plenty of women who act like dogs a.k.a. bitches!

Adult movies, a turn -on, funny or just plain gross?
Can I ass another option to this? It's just another form of expression.

That's very diplomatic, You can add that to your list of attributes?
Yes, I'm very diplomatic. That comes in handy quite often.

What's the best way to score brownie points with you on a date? And what's the best way to screw up a date?
To score brownie points, take me for some good chow. Best way to screw up a date is to leave me hungry. So, Basically what I'm saying is the way to Trish Stratus' heart is through her stomach!