Protection or Excitement

Part 3 of the "Dark Side" Trilogy

Protection or Excitement

I wish I understood

Why I like them both.

I've known one longer,

The other only a while.

The first is calm, mature

He makes me feel warm and protected.

The second is wild, exciting.

He makes me feel

Daring and thrilled.

I like the second feeling,

Until I'm terrified.

Then I run to the first

For his warmth and protection.

Where do I go?

Which one do I want?

I love the thrill.

I want the warmth.

I wish I understood

Why I like them both.

Which one is more important?

Only I can answer

I want the excitement

I love the protection.

I wish I understood

Why I like them both.

Which one is more important?

Only I can answer.

author unknown

The sound of applause echoed throughout the theater as the three turned towards the sound. Sarah clung to AJ in fear because they had all thought they were alone.

Kevin called out, "Who's there?"

Howie stood up so that they could see him and Sarah gasped in horror. "I thought you had left, Howie?" said Sarah in shock.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" asked AJ, his anger growing.

"Watching. Babe, you were magnificant!" said Howie as he sauntered over to the bar where Kevin was standing. He fixed himself a drink and surveyed the scene.

Kevin said softly, "AJ, help her get dressed."

Sarah had her face buried in AJ's chest as he led her over to their pile of clothes. He had to help her because she was in complete shock. She couldn't move or talk. She just stared in disbelief at nothing in particular.

Kevin said, "D, what's going on with you?"

"Nothing. What's your problem? You got what you wanted, my girl. You've been eyeing her ever since we go together and she's had the hots for you two now for...what...two months. I thought it was my imagination when she kept wanting to skip the group functions but now I find out it was because she was avoiding the two of you," said Howie angrily.

"You can't possibly be mad at her?" questioned Kevin. "She NEVER would have acted on her feelings for us if YOU hadn't set this up! She LOVES you, D."

Howie looked at Sarah, his heart breaking thinking that he had lost her to Kevin and AJ. He was angry with himself, not them, for not being able to hold on to her and for this whole night. He thought it had just been a one-time deal and that nothing more would happen after tonight. He never imagined just how deep her feelings for them went. "No, I'm not mad at her...or you and AJ for that matter."


The Dance, index