Chapter 67

With Caroline cradled against his chest, Howie rocked slowly singing a Spanish lullaby.  His tears fell intermittently as he held the baby.  For nine months, he had waited anxiously to hold his children.  He had been prepared to deal with Sarah’s fears about the delivery but NOT something being wrong with his children.

A gentle hand touched his knee and he looked to see Sarah kneeling in front of him.

Softly and reassuringly, Sarah said, “Caroline and Dwaine are going to be just fine, ‘D’.  Dr. Rowe is one of the best pediatricians on the east coast….that’s why I chose his group.  I’ve trusted them since the day Jesse was born.” 

“They’re so tiny,” whispered Howie, his voice trembling with emotion.  “So helpless.” 

“But they’re fighters, ‘D’.  Come on.  I need to get back to my room.” 

“Are you okay?” 

“Just tired and Dr. Johnson will be making rounds soon.” 

Howie looked down at Caroline, “I really don’t want to leave them, Sarah.” 

“I know and neither do I but Dr. Rowe is going to be running more tests on them.  We’ll be able to come back when he is done.” 

Howie knew Sarah was right so he stood and put Caroline back in the covered bassinet after placing a kiss on the tiny forehead.  Looking at both of the babies, he closed his eyes.  “Sis, I need you to look out for them,” he whispered. 

Sarah slipped her arms around his waist, her hand on his stomach and her head on his shoulder.

Howie pressed his lips into her hair.  “You never stop amazing me.” 

“What have I done to amaze you?” 

“When Dr. Rowe told us this morning, I thought for sure you would be the basket case…not me.” 

“Being able to hold them and nurse them helped….and knowing Dr. Rowe isn’t going to take any chances.”  Looking up at her husband, she smiled, “Plus, I have you.”

“Me?  I’m the one falling apart.”

“No you aren’t.  You’re just worried and so am I.” 

Together, the couple made their way back to Sarah’s room where they met Becca and Nick coming to visit. 

Having known Howie as long as he had, Nick quickly picked up on the older man’s mood.  Wanting to ease the situation, Nick joked, “Come on, ‘D’, six weeks really isn’t that long.  Don’t look so down.” 

Howie gave a chuckle as Sarah rolled her eyes.  “You are such a pig!” 

Becca simply shook her head.  She had picked up on the couple’s mood too and as Howie helped Sarah into bed, she asked, “What’s with the long looks?” 

Taking Howie’s hand and lacing her fingers with his, Sarah explained what was going on with the twins and ended by saying, “But we’re okay.” 

Doubtfully, Becca asked, “Are you sure?” 

“I’m not gonna lie, I’m worried and this morning, when Dr. Rowe told me, I was upset but being able to see them helped,” replied Sarah. 

Becca watched her best friend as she played with Howie’s wedding band and she knew Sarah was holding it together by a tiny thread.  This simple gesture was something Sarah did when she was scared. And Howie!  She’d seen him like this before too.  They needed a distraction. 

“So, you two can see Caroline and Dwaine.  What about the rest of us?” asked Nick. 

“Not yet,” said Howie softly.  “They don’t want to take any chances of outside germs.” 

There was a knock at the door and Dr. Johnson called, “Mind if I come in?” 

“Not at all,” greeted Howie.   “What are the chances of me being able to take my beautiful wife home today?” 

Dr. Johnson’s arrival was the perfect opportunity for Becca to slip away.  She had an idea but she didn’t want Howie and Sarah to know what she was planning just yet.  Grabbing Nick’s hand, she pulled him out of the room unnoticed by their friends. 

At the same time, Dr. Johnson moved to Sarah’s bed and looked over her chart as he said, “Let me check her out but I don’t see why not.” 

Sarah looked at Howie and whispered, “I don’t want to leave Caroline and Dwaine.” 

“I’ll stay with them, ‘Angel’,” answered Howie as he kissed her fingers.  “You’ll be more comfortable at home…or Mami’s.” 

“I don’t want to be away from you either, ‘D’.  Please?” pleaded Sarah.  “We need to be together…as a family…if there’s a problem.”

Howie smiled, “Okay, I’ll do whatever you want.” 

“Well, Sarah, your chart looks good but I’m a little concerned that your temperature is elevated.  It shouldn’t be a problem though.  You may just be coming down with something.  Let me examine you and then we’ll see about you going home,” said Dr. Johnson as he moved to conduct his exam. 

“Dr. Johnson, if there’s any way possible for Sarah to stay, we’d appreciate it.  Dr. Rowe is holding the twins and she….”  Seeing Sarah frown, Howie corrected himself, “we don’t want to leave without them.” 

“We can get another day out of your insurance with Sarah’s elevated temp but after that, unless I can prove she needs to be here, I can’t hold her.” 

“I don’t care about the insurance.  I’d rather take her home but she’s not going to relax as long as Dwaine and Caroline are still here.” 

Dr. Johnson smiled, “I understand.  Now, let’s check you out, Sarah.” 

“Angel, I’m gonna slip out and see where Becca and Nick went.”

”Don’t be long.” 

Giving her a kiss, Howie promised, “I’ll be back before you miss me.”

Chapter 68            Index