Chapter 41

Howie wanted to be sure this Valentine’s Day was special for everyone, especially Sarah. This wasn’t their first one together but it was their first as a married couple and he had every intention of spoiling her. While she had been sleeping, he had gone to get all the things he wanted for tonight and then gone to ‘Tabu’ to make sure that Shannon decorated the VIP section for him.

Now, reaching ‘Tabu’, he felt a rush of excitement anticipating Sarah’s reaction to what he had done for her. He loved making her happy. After turning off the ignition, he reached over to take her hand in his and kissed the back of it.


Thinking Howie was going to protest once more about being here tonight with her already in labor, Sarah said, "Don’t start nagging, Howie."

Hurt, he said, "I wasn’t going to nag. I was GOING to tell you how much I love you and that I wanted tonight to be as special as you are to me for you."

"Oh," blushed Sarah. "I’m sorry, ‘D’. I just thought you were going to say something about me being here when I’m in labor."

"No, you have a good point with keeping yourself occupied since I can’t occupy you any other way," leered Howie.

Sarah laughed, "You are so bad."

"Seriously, Angel…I love you more than I can ever tell you and I want to give you everything.  I want to see your face light up with each new surprise.”

Sarah was melting but she knew he was up to something too.  “Howard, you’ve got something up your sleeve, don’t you?”

“Who?  Me?” questioned Howie innocently.

“Yes…YOU!  Every time you have a surprise planned for me, you tell me you want to give me everything.”

A long, black limo pulled into the parking lot and stopped at Howie’s private entrance.  Sarah didn’t have a clear shot of the passengers getting out but Howie did and knew that the last of his surprises was in place.

“I want tonight to be special for you…as special as you are to me, so I have a BUNCH of surprises planned.  Are you ready for tonight?”

Excitedly, Sarah beamed, “Yes!”

Jumping out of the car, Howie rushed around to help Sarah but had to wait for a contraction to pass.  Once it had, the couple headed inside to get ready for the evening with their friends.

Chapter 42                Index