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09/05/02 Tommeh's Party New Party Pics uploaded!!!
Over a month scince last update. Just here to tell you that theres some new pictures of a party uploaded. Thanks to kate's camera and developing and stuff! umm, me = tired, bye bye.
03/04/02 Mind Dope - Section now working
Finally got round to making some form of html for these new "mind dope" anims. They do require a download, but they will probably be worth it. If you're wondering what they do, then they here is an explanation; they are supposed to null your senses so that you slip into a semi-hypnotic state. Also, if the sound gets annoying, just turn off your speakers :P
New section will be up sometime on tuesday night. Thats when i get the equipment to make the things better. As for now, you can relax, maybe close youre eyes, maybe get a warm drink too... I dunno, you might also want to lay down somewhere warm.
NEWS - 30/03/02 New Section of Content
Well, as the news heading suggests i am going to add another section of content to the site. Based upon trippy hypnotising anims. Be warned however coca-cola co. are paying me 35$ per anim as they all contain subliminal advertising. The first ones you will see will be poop because they wont have sound, but on tuesday im gonna invest some moeny into some software and hardware for sound production. you can find the new section here Please dont enjoy it too much, bad for your health... and sub-concious mind, and some other things that you dont know exist.

Oki, so i had a party on wednesday and pretty much everyone got wasted. Methinks to self, "what a good idea to put the pics on my site" so here they are! you lucky visitors. See the picshere. I've also got that guestbook thingy up there... I couldnt decide where to put the link, so i just put it up there, use it! (pwetty pwease)
Its 2:30am, so just a quick update... Ive added another anim, i think it looks pretty good but i'll let you pass your own judgement on it. Also, Matt's Anims has another animation for you to check out, its very nice indeed. gonna get this site a guestbook soon, so you (the fans!) can give feedback. That's all for now.
Got the frames working and uploaded on the animations section of the site, and they look spinkee! And, they're gonna look even spinkier soon. I plan for tomorrow morning that i shall make some nice pretty buttons (maybe animated buttons) to link to the Ninja fight animations. Check back once every so often, im constantly working on ways to improve the site. Oh, and dont forget to send in more suggestions.
Nothing added during the weekend (was far too crazy). But now i have a new Anim for you to check out. Head over to the anims now! I'm goin to try and re-design the animations section of the site for easier access to the anims (no going back and forth to see each one etc.) Shouldnt be too hard to get sorted. Also, thinking of adding some more site friendly pictures to make things look nicer.
New site layout was uploaded at midnight. Today i added Links section to the site, its for links to other cool sites, none are as cool as mine though. Im working on a series of 2(maybe 3 if your lucky) anims. Should be done sometime in the weekend. Also, I'm testing out new colours for the body background colour. (no more garish green!)
Not made any new anims tonite :( *waits for ideas in his inbox*. Im thinking of putting a downloads section on here for files that I havent made but are funny. Possibly do that tomorrow. Im about 66.7% of the way through updating the HTML for a new layout, and i will upload that as soon as its finished
A small thank you to...
Phill Bailey
David Hughes
All images, text and coding are thanks to the hard work of Iain Floyd(me). Ask before you borrow.