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NITZEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sup Bitches! I'm Nitzi's n Dis is my Hizal Web Site, where i "Do Wada Want" n Sh*t!
(he he he. You can be hardcore to. All you have to do is Swear!) For all of you playing at home this site is a bit random.

Nitzi's "U Talk 2 Much Spot"
I'm Freakin' bord so now im eatin ""SLASH"" drinkin Boost juice, n i like it. Boost juice has it's own web site i'm gona check it out. You can too, just click da link Ok i just went there and it's um... well pretty lamish! da juice is still good. well now it just gave me a brain frezze so now its gay like as in it humps boys, makes love to men you get the jist. i think somebody should stop being lazy an invent a cure for brain freeze. Forget cancer, forget heart desease. People aim to high, thats why we haven't got a cure for it yet. If they aim low and start at the bottom it'l happin for 'em. And the first thing they should cure is brain freeze, at the moment it's uncureable! How do people live with them selfs with brian freezes out there, it's like an everyday thing, they have cures for sneezing. What makes sneezing more important than brain freeze. Think about it if you got a brain freeze at the wheel of a car, your puting lifes at risk! if you sneez the worst thing to happen is (other than the fact that it is imposible to open your eyes whilst sneezing) you will end up with yellow stuff on your windscreen. Nitzi

Have Your Say:
What do you think about the "Brain Freeze" Matter?
Nitzi your just plain wierd + your a tool!
Nitzi I dont care, Your Just sooo soo good looking!
Who Even cares?
Brain Freezes should be taken care of.

Some Music For You bitches!
Train - Drops off Jupiter.mp3
Live - the dolphins cry
Pete Murray - Better Days

Pictures 4 all da Ladies