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*ALL AbOuT Me~

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire web site!
~Main Page~

This page is going to be all about the twisted girl behind these sites:0) My name is Jenean. I'm 21 years old. I'm orginally from California, And I came here to get away from all that drama(parents)j/k. Actually I wanted to see My best friend Tabatha, so I live with her for awhile and to see what is was like to live In colorado, knowing how beautiful it is. Its great. I just love it here. . It's Awesome. Well Anyways......Here are a few things I like: 1) write Songs 2)work at the coolest place here in the Springs!! What's UP TIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah so............... Me and Tabatha are starting our own band Called "BROKEN" she's going to play Guitar and I'm going to play Bass. We need more peeps!!!! We already have our instruments picked out. I found a nice Ass Fender Squier. It's awesome!!!! Well we had our little band In Maine called "POLISH" AS in nail polish- it was an all girl band. It seems like most of the girls here in Colorado are afraid to start a band. Not to be mean but they are ALL F*ckin' prepp "punk" wannabies . Oh yeah you know who you are!!!!!! so yeah back to my oh so fun life. I go to TONS of concerts I've been to like 7 in the past year It's great and kicks @$$! Well also If you want to suggest on what I can put on my page e-mail me! if you don't then f*ck off! j/k