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Mister Fixxxer Sh!tz Page

Mister Fixxxer's Sh!tz consits of a 3 main sh!tz, The Hall of Fame , The Metallica Rookies, and the Emulation Newbies.

The Hall of Fame contains data about the extraordinary veteran posters at Encycmet's Songs & Lyrics forum, you will find that some of them aren't posting on the board since they left at a certain point of the time and reasons that will be no discused here.

This page is also dedicaded to help those people who're getting into the Metallica (rookies) or the Emulation (newbies) scene.

I set up this to help with the basic stuff about two of the main topics in which I am interested.

If you to check out who Mister Fixxxer is click here.

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The Hall of Fame
Metallica Section
Emulation Section