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Jenny, (Felix) Lavoy, Daren (Moriarty), Matt (Ryan), and Kendra

Lavoy, Daren, and Matt

Daren and Kendra

Matt and Kendra

Daren and his Girlfriend

Eric and his gay tendancies...thats Chisam the Jizm with the camera

Daren and his beloved Karoake.

Kendra, Jenny, Matt, and Daren

Incase you haven't noticed, Daren is a major ham for the camera.

Jenny, Felix, and Matt's ghost...haha. This is a reallly good picture of those two.

Following pictures were taken at the Derby in Juarez on 9/28/02 (Thanks Jenny..great pics)<3<3<3 -

Muwahaha, my drunken babies. Ok, we got Eric in red, facing away from the camera. Then there is Marshmellow (Smarsh) with the beer, Pitts at the top, Felix in the middle, and Gomez in the yellow. I wasn't there that night..:(

He wasn't mad..he was drunk.

Pitts...what a sexy bitch.

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