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JAk --[=LINX=- shieaT Home Page!!!
best view 1024x768 but u don't care do u?

this site contains legions of images and text...
so0 hope u have CABLE or Patience...

people who bothered coming here...

Parts of my Site

0verP'd My Second comic
I Can't Be BLOGGER'd <===Updated!!
0verPACK'd My first REAL comic
some of my MetalSlug drawins
some more of my MetalsSlug drawins
my kobun arts
more of my kobun arts
LAtest Kobun drawins
More of JAk's CARD's
Other Pics
Jakz start menu icon downloads
Castlevania SotN MP3z

Teh Latest w0rdz

[September 7th 2005 9:20 PM Wednesday]

just noting that updates here will be even more rare..also logs will now be on Microshafts network... I Can't Be Blogger'd 2
i also realised that so far this year ...all updates 2 this sorry site have been under 2004..i fixed it now...

[June 20th 2005 11:30AM Monday]

A pretty sad LOG entry...

[May 5th 2004 11:30AM Thursday]

its just another LAME LOG entry...
[April 17th 2005 4:30PM Sunday]

after a short death...a log entry ....

after a long long time a huge comic...
you should go see....
UPDATE MORE OFTEN!? wont happen*

[February 18th 2005 10:30AM Friday]

log entry ....

so0 bore-e'd-_-
you don't
like always also see the blog of my friends...heres
of course their place looks better than mine... they cheated*
[February 14th 2005 2AM Monday Valentines Day]

its just another log entry only a log entry....

written in another horrible night for a curse...
i failed to get a Busty PS job 4 this chinese new years
but we may see her in a few few weeks time...
cause i am working on one... i drew it...
it was messy and unclean and i wasnt going to bother
but Simon told me about this magic
button in PS that clears all white space which saves me
so much time... how ever wont work that well with me cause im
way to0 messy.
and this Busty is particularly messy. but aye...n0 one cares

you don't

[February 3rd 2005 7:17PM Thursday ]

even better than the "Possibly the best Entry ever....
this one is so0 long it to0 a few days 2 write ...yeh im slow...
im off 2 parra with Ynot in several mins...

READ even if u don't care...
[January 20th 2005 9:18AM Thursday ]


Possibly the best Entry ever....

READ even if u don't care...
[January 11th 2005 12:53PM Tuesday ]
another shit day another shit log
READ if u care...
[January 9th 2005 12:49PM Sunday ]
Blogged some more...yet again
not much better..
READ if u care...
[January 6th 2005 2Am Thursday]
Blogged some more...
seems 2 b getting worse..
READ if u dare...
[December 26th 2004 11:51Am Sunday - Boxing day]
decided 2 blogg some go ahead and read..
[December 21th 2004 12:23Am]Yes im still alive... BiG update 2 this pathetic site of mine 2 day..hehe added "I CAN'T Be BL0GGER'd" and ofcourse Busty is in the Spirit again ...almost 1 year aniversary since i started playing with Photoshop... heh im going 2 stop 4 a while now cause those were horrible nights for curses...
[July 7th 2004 11:41Pm]Can u believe there are 2 updates in one month?....well yeh i did my first real comic!!

[July 29th 2004 11:36Pm]wow do my eyes hurt ... just a small update i just felt like putting this Ninja job i did 4 my singaporean pal GUAN as a background...stick around then hu?...
[April 11 2004 11:41am] yup its easter and this was done cause a good pal of mine, it was her bithday and she said she wanted 2 be a playboy rabbit, then she showed me a playboy rabbit...and also i wanted 2 do somthing 4 easter. it was done in 8hrs with no rest so it is a record 4 me....happy easter holidays 2 whoever that visits here!!! =D...oh also she was kidding about the playboy bunny thing ofcourse....
[March 2 2004 10:07pm] a LLLLLLLLLLLAAAAATTTTTTTEEEEEEEEE update i did this job 4 chinese new m0nkey year it was here 4 a while but i just posted this msg now..... HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR 04
[December 25 2003 4:00am] Uhh yeah again.... an update out of nowhere....y because i just learned how 2 use photo shop thanks 2 RIK....bout time... but it dosent mean ill update the site more....ta..and MERRY XMAS IF U READ THIS
[september 26 2003]uhh yeah an update out of nowhere well its just the photo 4 tonys site it huge so be patient... well till i get not lazy...bye
[February 19 2003]Yeah if anyone is wondering yeas im still alive...though i do feel its near the end... a bunch of works will go up soon... but im soo tired and lazy and tired and have work 2 do... this isnt really an update.... i found that comic some place and stole it... ...u can enjoy that for now.... over the past few months nearly a year.. i got cable did alot of things and all it all endless its like liing a life of a SiM in the game SiMs... anyway .... mabe ill make a FAQ section for no real reason .....updating a site is such hard work...... ill get it done some day.....Nice knowing ya....
[JUNE 8]huge update in size added CastleVania Symphony of the night mp3 the r eating my space ..... and added a new kobun plus a new transformer thants to that guy from gamefaq 4 the segestion. remember good segestions will be done...
[MAY 10] BIG update!!!...... after several long weeks like busy with the work exp, maths tests and some udder crap but now the Sic&sad SVSC is finally good enuff to show there will be more endings say tuneeeed and LAtest Kobun section is added..... so how about that Metal slug 4 some wicked game!!! remember updates take awhile ...much more now becasuse im lazy and tired. Thank you for visiting my 1st page come back and visit again sumday! give me some feedback!! good segestions and requests will be done!!! ill put more junk up!!

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  • 79112326
