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other stuff:

more pictures!
the sux page...
unfinished lunch documentary thing
my pretty list of stuff to do when you get bored
i got bored and have no idea what is on this page so.. lookie
even more PICTURES!!!!

...........ssshhhhhhhhhh....... listen......................

7-18-02| yah.... no one is home, once again,
 hm.... lol ok well yeh incase n e one is reading 
this, i made a new page, put the links to my other 
pages that i had but didnt have a link to because 
there was no point, and still there isnt but i'm just 
kinda hyper and hungry now, hahahah scarey pic of me 
on the new page too.. so dont ask i guess ya, well ya 
can but i would just say that i got bored... so .... 
yah, off to pack now, so.... bye byes.... O_^ hhaahhah 
my name is trista!!! it means something too!! 
5-11-02| ok so...... no one is at home to talk to
 and i am extremely bored and have no idea why i am 
writing this except i dont feel like makin another 
page, is it still considered writing if i am typing? i 
dunno, nope. okies stupid projects at the end of 
school suck, that is all| - trista
 hello ppls! *yay* yep ok i got bored and i built 
a webpage, now i have like 4 million even though i 
dont really remember any, so it doenst matter, i just 
said that to take up some space, yep yep. theres not 
really that much on here, so feel free to sign my 
guestbook and tell me how much it sucks,ok? ok ^_^

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