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WiC CHiCK ~>-~~~|> HOLA!!!!

CLICK FOR NEWEST PICS HERE ~~~|> Birthday page :) Newest pic of mini Gabe *~* good spike day. ** ** My newest pride and joy... ** ** ** Strange giraffe in my house... >:O Here's Jesus and his compadres.. from my lil shindig the other day, me n Marc pose fer a pic Here's Fear posing as well, he is wearing a blue metallic wig, too bad it came out so dark. and Mr Marc making out with my toy just one random night with the digital camera... this is my best bud, april *before her Hawaiian look haha* Be careful, she bites and is ONLY nice when she wants to be!! :\ a semi recent pic of me and april :) summer, my original blue hair job my new shirt the cat the first page* my co-workers