blood soaked and honor bound: sku

A troop of pristine students, garbed in their proper (and ridiculous) lab aprons and safety goggles, trudge into the small room known as the chemistry lab. Miki leads at the head of the group, followed closely by Kozue, Anthy, Utena, Wakaba, Juri, Nanami, Karen, and the mostly forgotten Becka. They all seem relatively normal, or at least, as normal as they can be, but Anthy's lab coat and apron are covered in a pretty rose and small monkey-mouse designs.

Each girl goes to a different part of the room to work on her own independent research project, while Miki, having been elected as the study group's monitor, walks around offering his assistance.

The scene flashes to the wall of the Shadow Girls. They appear, respectively, holding test tubes and other apparatuses. Using sing-song whispers, they both speak, "Do you know? Do you know? Have you heard the news?"

A-ko continues, raising her bubbling flask dramatically, "Oh dear girl, what do you know?"

B-ko answers, "There are eight young women, with plans of their own. They are so intent, they don't seem to realize…"

A-ko nods, "Each one has a purpose, but what of the man? How will he fare?"

Their voices join in harmony as they bob up and down, "Do you know? Do you know? How will he fare?"

Back in the lab, we see that all of the girls do look rather intent on their projects. Utena has taken up a position in the corner of the room, her reagents carefully laid out in front of her. She takes notes as she mixes small portions of them together. Miki walks over and inquires, "Miss Utena, what did you decided to do for your independent study project?"

Utena looks up from her work, then glances around warily. She spots Wakaba on the far side of the room and lets out a soft sigh of relief, " Do you promise you won't tell her?" Miki, having followed Utena's gaze, nods. Scanning the room several more times, Utena beckons Miki to examine her concoction. She grins broadly, "An anti-glomping agent! I've discovered an interesting side effect: It keeps your knees from melting in situations with an unnaturally high rate of manipulation. A few drops of this and no one will be able to resist! Not Wakaba, not even Akio! " Miki sweatdrops, but none the less approves and walks to the other side of the table.

Juri also has bottles of various heights lined up in front of her, along with several text books and a chart. She waves to Miki, wearing a totally un-Juri like smile. Grinning, she points to one of the open textbooks. Following her finger, Miki reads to himself, "In any female, once the homoase enzyme is stimulated, her preferences, sexually, increase in standard to become a 'little less straight.'" Miki, true to the Energizer Bunny standard, wishes his luck and quickly moves on.

He passes by the fume hood, under which Anthy has stuck her head and is inhaling deeply. Horrified, and fearing for her safety, Miki pulls her out. Glancing at the chemicals on her table, he determines that the only chemical that could possibly be formed is carbon dioxide. He stammers, "Miss Himemiya, if you don't follow the safety protocol, I… I'll just have to force you to leave… and I really don't want to do that…"

A very very high Anthy giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck and whispering playfully, "It's okay…" Her inhibitions having been removed, she kisses him fully on the mouth, before waddling her way back to the lab bench to mix some more chemicals. Miki clicks his stopwatch, and looks down at in it a dazed state. He murmurs, "Three minutes… and forty two seconds… damn…" He vainly attempts to stop a spontaneous nosebleed with a cork.

He is immediately jolted back to the present situation by Nanami's annoyingly high-pitched laughter. He sees that she has set up a four-foot canister next to her table. Hooking the tank up to a small funnel, she places it over her mouth and nose and breaths in its gaseous contents. Bending down to read the label, he blinks, "Nitrous oxide…? Laughing gas…? Nanami!" He takes the funnel from her and points it at the door, "I cannot condone such conduct in the lab."

Through her hysterical giggles, Nanami manages to gasp out, "But… you let Anthy… stay. I should… report… such a lack of… discretion… to my Oniisama…"

As another fit of laughter completely takes her over, Miki waves the funnel underneath her nose, "Fine. Just stop!"

Before he can say anything else, his attention is captured by a soft but mischievous call of, "Oniichan, I need to use the safety shower."

An already enraged Miki turns to face his wickedly smiling sister as she begins to peel her clothes off. Noticing that nothing seems to be burning her cloths, or anything else for that matter, he turns her around and states quietly, "No. You don't." By doing so, he notices the chemicals she has lined up at her workspace: strong acids, strong bases, and several containers of toxin. He spins her around again, much to her delight, and squeaks, "WHAT are you doing with doing with *those?*"

Kozue smiles, "Salt analysis, of course." He sighs and makes his way to the other end of the table where Wakaba experiments with several thick solutions ranging from blue to green to yellow. Noticing Miki, she smiles cheerfully, holding up a dark green flask, and explains, "Saionji-sama wants his to dye his hair half a shade darker, so I promised to help!" Miki smiles and nods and keeps walking.

Miki leans to where Karen is bent intently over several vials. "Karen-sama? Karen… sama…?" Miki pokes her, causing her to jump several feet and nearly knock of some other experiments.

She looks around, confused, "Hai?"

Miki valiantly tries to be patient, "What are you working on Karen-sama?"

Karen blushes and points to a petri dish of white powder, "This…stuff."

Miki nods, thinking that he has finally found someone who is doing a *normal* experiment, "Which is?"

Karen grins evilly, "The chemical equivalent of a straightjacket." Miki blanches. Karen nods and continues, "The Dean personally commissioned the project, promising to cover any funds involved." Miki nods pleasantly and backs away from the table.

Becka sits typing furiously at the lab's computer. Next to her is a pile of printouts about five feet in height. There are several piles of varying books, and four or five scribbled-on notepads. Becka herself is devilished in appearance, with bloodshot eyes from staring at the screen. Miki stands beside her and comments, "Becka-kun, you should really use lab time for an actual experiment."

Before he can utter another word, Becka reaches up a surprisingly strong arm to yank him down to her eye level. She grits, "Experiment??? You want to see my experiment???" She drags him over to an exceptionally long lab table covered in racks of test tubes, chemical ingredients, petri dishes, Bunsen burners, beakers, pipettes, glass stirrers, two thermometers, forceps, and any other of equipment that can possibly be found in a Chem. lab. Holding up her finished sample, she points back the computer, "My experiment requires a live male sacri… er, vict… er…. volunteer!"

Miki blinks in surprise, "For what?"

Becka shakes her head, wondering how someone as smart as he could be so dense, "To see if it works, baka!"

Blinking innocently, Miki ignores the sound of the safely shower turning on, "Well, what's your experiment supposed to do?"

Before Becka can answer, there is a commotion that starts on the other side of the room. Anthy, having been invited over by Juri, bumps into the sempai's experiment in surprise when Juri attempts to force a white tablet down her throat. The experiment fizzles it's way across the surface of the table and pours onto Utena's hand. In surprise, Utena jerks back, tossing a test tube she'd been holding to the next table. The test tube falls smack on top of Nanami's head, and gets stuck in her massive hair, while dripping it's contents down her nose. She tumbles back, still giggling maniacally, and bumps into Kozue, who is now thoroughly cleansed of all chemicals and has returned to her table to spill more on herself. However, since Nanami was covered with an anti-glomping reagent, Kozue is propelled across the room into Wakaba's lap. Now totally covered in green goo, Kozue gleefully skips back to the safely shower. In shock, Wakaba backs up into Karen, causing two petri dishes to fly from her hands. One dish clatters harmlessly to the ground while the other is dumped entirely over Becka. Overwhelmed by the force of the chemical straightjacket, Becka is forced to drop the test tube she is holding and its contents explode, literally, under Miki's nose.

As the veil of smoke lifts from the room, it reveals Miki unconscious on the floor, and all the girls, charred, but relatively unharmed. Juri runs over to Becka and questions, "Kasan kusu kuku?"

Becka blinks, looking at Juri askance, "Tutu no tatewake?"

As everyone in the room gazes at one another, they all break out speaking, "Kamate?" "Tusu?" "Shimata!" "Chisa" "Chuchu!" and finally, "Lipton rabbits?"

Everyone looks at Wakaba and simultaneously sweatdrops.

From across the campus, the Dean of students gazes through his Opera glasses at the Chemistry Lab. Not willing to turn down the challenge presented to his manipulative abilities, he forces the girls to write down a well-known phrase in the language that they were speaking… the 'Chick' Speech.

The Chick Speech:


"If it cannot hatch from it's shell, the chick will die without ever truly being born. We are the chick; the world is our egg. If we don't break the world's shell, we will die without truly being born. Smash the world's shell, for the Revolution of the World."


"Wenn es nicht aus seinem Ei schlüpfen kann würde das Kücken sterben, bevor es jemals richtig gelebt hat! Wir sind das Kücken. Die Welt ist unser Ei. Wenn wir die Eierschale der Welt nicht durchbrechen, sterben wir bevor wir jemals richtig gelebt haben. Zestört die Schale, um die Welt zu revolutionieren." (Corrected version thanks to: Anne)


"Si no puede salir de su cascara, el pollito morira sin jamas haber nacido. Somos el pollito, el mundo nuestro huevo. Si no rompemos la cascara del mundo, moriremos sin jamas haber nacido. ¡Romper la cascara del mundo, para Revolucionarlo!" (Corrected version thanks to: narie)

Spanish: (version 2)

"Si la cáscara del huevo no se rompe, el polluelo morirá sin haber nacido. Nosotros somos el polluelo. El huevo es el mundo. Si la cáscara del mundo no se rompe, nosotros moriremos sin haber nacido. Rompan la cáscara del mundo. Para revolucionar el mundo!" (Correction of corrected version thanks to: Marisabel)


"Se um pinto não partir a sua casca, morrerá sem ter nascido. Nós somos o pinto. O mundo o ovo. Se nós não partirmos a casca do mundo, morreremos sem ter nascido. Partir a casca do mundo. Pelo bem da revolução do mundo!" (Thanks to: Marisabel)


"Si il ne sors pas de la coquille, le poussin mourra sans toujours vraiment tant n. Nous sommes le poussin; le monde est notre oeuf. Si nous ne brisons pas la coquille du monde, nous mourra sans toujours vraiment tant n. Fracassez-vous la coquille du monde, pour La R volution de le Monde." (Corrected version thanks to: Midori)


"Se non riesce a rompere il guscio del suo uovo, il pulcino morira' senza mai essere veramente nato. Noi siamo il pulcino, il mondo e' il nostro uovo. Se non rompiamo il guscio del mondo, moriremo senza essere mai nati. Rompiamo il guscio, per la rivoluzione del mondo." (Corrected version thanks to: Enui)

Japanese Romanji:

"tamago no kara (w)o yabureneba hinatori wa umarezu ni shin de yuku. warewa ga hina da. tamago wa sekai da. sekai no kara (w)o yaburaneba warera wa umarezu ni shin de yuku. sekai no kara (w)o hakai se yo. sekai (w)o kakumei suru tame ni!"


"Si ex se ovis excludere non id posest, sine ortus pullus moretur. Pullus sumus; noster ovum terra est. Si ovum terram non perfringeamus, sine ortus vere moremur. Terram ovum frangete… pro commutatione terrae!"


"Em hagozal eino yachol levkoa mhabitza, azai ho yamot mebli shebemet nolad. Ano hagozal, haolam ho habitza. Em einino yecholim leva kea et habitza az namoth mebli shebemet noladno. Patzech et haolam letovat hamahpecha haolamit." (Thanks to: Luna)


"Om den inte kan hacka sig själv genom dets skall,kommer kycklingen att dö utan att egentligen blivit föd. Vi är kycklingen, och världen är vårt skall. Om vi inte har sönder världens skall, Kommer vi att dö utan att dö utan att egentligen blivit föda. Krossa världens skall, För Revolution av världen." (Thanks to: Sofie)


"Pokud se kure nevyklube ze své skorapky zemre ani by se narodilo. My jsme kuretem a svìt je naše vejce. Kdy nerozbijeme skorapku svého svìta zemreme bez skute ného zrození. Rozbij skorepinu svìta za svìtovou revoluci." (Thanks to: Crysi and Kagedtiger)


"Ai e na 'i blisgo, 'i chyw ewyllysia darfod heb beunydd yn wir born. M 'i chyw; 'i briddo am 'n annog. Ai eiddo choblynnod 'n ddrylliog mohoni blisgo byd, eiddo choblynnod ewyllysia darfod heb beunydd yn wir born. Ffwdan-'ch 'i blisgo byd, ati Atchwyl amdano briddo." (Thanks to: Midori)


"If the pant's shell does not break, the pants will die without being born. We are the pants; the pant is the world. If the pant's shell does not break, we will die without being pants. Break the world's pants! For the sake of revolutionizing the pants!" (Thanks to: Douglas Weeks)


"Ya'll know if that thar egg don't hatch, then it gonna be Bubba's scrambled eggs by mornin'. Y'all that thar chick, And Ellie-May's ranch is ya'll's Egg shot right outta that chicken's ass. If Ya'll ain't broke that ranch's shell with Pa's shotgun, then y'all already six feet unda before Grandmammie can birth ya. Shoot that damn shell, for that revolutionizing of that thar Ranch!" (Thanks to: Mako-chan)

Hick Chick:

"If that thar egg ain't gonna hatch, that thar chick'll croak without bein' born, y'all. Y'all are that thar chick, the world yonder is our egg. If y'all don't break that thar world's shell, y'all croak without bein' born. Smash that dern world's shell, fer the Revolutionizin' of that thar world." (Thanks to: Utena)


"If it cannot hatch from it's shell-eth, thee chick-eth shall die-eth without every truly being born. We are the chick-eth, the world-eth is thy egg-eth. If we do not break-eth the world-eth's shell-eth, we shalt die without truly being born-eth. Smash-eth the world-eth's shell-eth, for the Revolution-eth of thy world-eth!" (Thanks to: Utena)

Elizabethan: (version 2)

"If it canst not hatch from its shell, yon chick shalt die without ever truly being born. We art the chick, the world is thine egg-eth. If we dost not break the world's shell, we shalt die without truly being born. Smash yonder world's shell, for the Revolution of thy world!" (Thanks to: Anna-Cara Apple)

The Emancipation Chick-la-mation:

"Four score and seven chick eggs ago, our fore-eggs hatched. All eggs are created equal! We are now the chick, this New Nation is our egg. If we do not break the Nation's shell, we shall die without truly being born. Wage war upon the shell, for the Revolution of the Nation!" (Thanks to: Utena)


"If chickie mama ain't open da crib, chickie don't fly. We da heavy chickie fly by, da planetoid's ah chicken-baby. If we ain't put a crack in the planetoid, we ain't neva be hatch. Smash that puppy up, for da rebolution of da planetoid!" (Thanks to: Luna)

Pig Latin

"Ifay itay annotcay atchhay omfray itsay ellshay, ethay ickchay illway ieday ithoutway everay ulytray eingbay ornbay. Eway areay ethay ickchay; ethay orldway isay ouray eggay. Ifay eway on'tdayeakbray ethay orld'sway ellshay, eway illway ieday ithoutway ulytray eingbay ornbay. Ashsmay ethay orld'sway ellshay, orfay ethay Evolutionray ofay ethay Orldway!" (Thanks to: Crysi and Kagedtiger)

Ubba Dubbi

"Ubif ubit cubannubot hubatch frubom ubit's shubell, thube (That's pronounced the-ba, not like somebody saying "tube" with a lisp, similar pronunciations for all words like that.) chubick wube'll dubie wubithubout ubevuber trubuluby bubieubing buborn. Wube ubare thube chubick; thube wuborld ubis ubour ubegg. Ubiff wube dubon't brubeak thube wuborld's shubell, wube wubill dubie wubithubout trubuluby bubeiubing buborn. Smubash thube wuborld's shubell, fubor thube Rubevubolubutiobon ubof thube Wuborld!" (Thanks to: Crysi and Kagedtiger)

Confused Preschooler:

Fi ti tonnac hctah morf s'it llehs, eht kcihc lliw eid touhtiw reve ylurt gnieb norb. Ew era eht kcihc; eht dlrow si rou gge. Fi ew t'nod kaerb eht s'dlrow llehs, ew lliw eid touhtiw ylurt gnieb nrob. Hsams eht s'dlrow llehs, rof eht noitulover fo eht dlrow. (Thanks to: Miokou)

If it tonnac hatch morf it's llehs, the kcihc will eid without reve truly being nrob. We era the kcihc; the world is our gge. If we don't kaerb the world's llehs, we will die without ylurt being nrob. Hsams the world's llehs, for the noitulover of the world. (Thanks to: Miokou)

Dyslexia: (version 2)
"Shell it's from, hatch it cannot, truly ever born chick die will without. Egg is our world; chick are we the. Born truly being die we will, if break we don't shells the world. World of the Revolution, smash for the shell's world." (Thanks to: Miokou, note: the two Dyslexia speeches are silly stuff and not meant to offend anyone. ^.~ Truth be told, we're all a little dyslexic at times.)

Japanese jis/s-jis coding:

"—‘‚ÌŠk‚ð”j‚ç‚˂ΐ—’¹‚͐¶‚܂ꂸ‚ÉŽ€‚ñ‚Å‚ä‚­B ‰ä‚炪—‚¾B@—‘‚͐¢ŠE‚¾B ¢ŠE‚ÌŠk‚ð”j‚ç‚˂Ήä‚ç‚͐¶‚܂ꂸ‚ÉŽ€‚ñ‚Å‚ä‚­B ¢ŠE‚ÌŠk‚ð”j‰ó‚¹‚æB ¢ŠE‚ðŠv–½‚·‚邽‚߂ɁI" (Thanks to: Alai)

Korean Script:

"¸¸¾à º´¾Æ¸®°¡ ¾ËÀ» ±ú°í ³ª¿ÀÁö ¾Ê´Â´Ù¸é º´¾Æ¸®´Â žÁö ¸øÇÏ°í Á×À» °ÍÀÌ´Ù. ¿ì¸®°¡ ¹Ù·Î ±× º´¾Æ¸®¸ç, ¼¼»óÀº ¿ì¸®ÀÇ ¾ËÀÌ´Ù. ¿ì¸®°¡ ¼¼»óÀÇ ¾ËÀ» ±ú°í ³ª¿ÀÁö ¾Ê´Â´Ù¸é ¿ì¸®´Â ÁøÁ¤ÇÑ Àǹ̿¡¼­ žÁö ¸øÇÏ°í Á×À» °ÍÀÌ´Ù. ¼¼»óÀÇ ¾ËÀ» ±úºÎ½¤¶ó! Çõ¸íÀ» À§ÇÏ¿©!" (Thanks to: Yuri)

Elite (L33t):

"1ph 17 c4|\|'t br34k 0utta 17z 5h3ll d4 ch1ck w1|| d13 w17h0u7 7ru3|y b31|\/' b0r|\|. W3 b3 d4 ch1ck, 4|\|d d4 w0rld b3 0ur 3gg. 1f w3 d0|\|'7 br34k 0u774 d4 w0r|dz 5h3|| w3 g0|\||\|4 d13 w17h0u7 7ru3|y b31|\|' b0r|\|. 5m45h d4 w0r|dz 5h3||, f0r d4 r3v0|u710|\| 0f d4 w0r|d." (Thanks to:  Jo Thomsen)

Simple L33t:

"iph i7 k4nN07 h47ch phr0m i7z $h3||, d4 chik wi|| di3 wi7h0u7 3v4 7ru|y b3in b0rn. w3 r d4 chik, d4 w0r|d iz 0ur 3gg. iph w3 br3ak d4 w0r|dz $h3||, w3 wi|| di3 wi7h0u7 7ru|y b3in b0rn. $m4$h d4 w0r|dz $h3||, f0r d4 r4v0|u7i0n 0f d4 w0r|d."(Thanks to: Midori)

Advanced L33t:

"1F 1+ c4n|\|0t |-|@tCh phrO|\/| 1+'5 5|-|3lL, te|-| CHiC|< \/\/Ill dI3 WITHout 3Ver Truly 8E1n9 8oRN. \/\/3
4R3 Teh cH1C|<; +H3 WorlD 15 Our E99. iF w3 d0|\|'+ 8r34|< t3H \/\/0Rl|)'5 5|-|ell, \/\/3 \/\/1lL d1e wI+|-|0UT tRuly 831|\|G BOrn. $|\/|45|-| +He \/\/0Rld'S S|-|3Ll, f0R +eh rEvolUT1oN 0F +|-|3 worLd." (Thanks to: Midori)

Several hours later, the girls smile in relief as the chemical effect wears off. Becka is about to open her mouth when, she trips and lands right on top of the still prone Miki. Miki opens his eyes and blinks. He spots Becka, who is clinging to his chest and attempting to stand, and he smiles, "Well, hello my beautiful sexy Shining Thing."

Everyone in the room does a double take, except Becka, who grins evilly.

Karen: "Miki…"

Nanami: "said…"

Juri: "the…"

Utena: "word…"

Kozue: "sexy…?"

Becka's smile widens as she jumps up to her feet, doing a small victory dance, "It works!"

Everyone blinks at her, even Miki. There is a simultaneous murmur of, "What… works…?"

Becka sweatdrops and backs up against the wall, "My… experiment…"

Kozue picks up Becka and slams her against the wall, holding her there, "WHAT did you DO to him???"

Becka 'erps,' "I made a mega-playboy…?"

Miki springs fluidly upwards and glides to where Kozue stands. He wraps his arms low around her waist and coos softly, "Now now, let her down, Kozue…"

Kozue attempts to NOT melt into a happy little puddle. She manages to whisper, "Why should I…?"

Miki nibbles softly on her ear and murmurs, "Because, I'll show you 101 reason why…"

Nanami's hands clench into fists in a jealous rage as Kozue and Miki exit with the parting line of, "Let me show you the proper procedure for using the safety shower…"

Juri and Utena converge on Becka, "Turn. Him. Back."

Becka cowers in the corner and stammers, "It's not my fault… I only mixed up the formula so that *I* could get my own playboy! I didn't mean it to be Miki, but while I was looking on the Internet for a lab rat, he made me get up! And then, something sort of knocked it out of my hands… and… and… and I don't know how to turn him back!"

Juri and Utena do not seem pleased with this. They turn to Anthy for help… only to find that Anthy is curled up under the Fume hood with a serene smile. Juri turns back to Becka, "Find a way."

Becka spends an hour researching on her computer, as Juri, Utena, Nanami, and Kozue take turns 'learning to use' the safety shower. Miki boldly strides over to where Becka sits, using his awe-inspiring charm to tempt her away from the computer. She fights with all her might, but is drawn slowly towards the infamous shower. Just before she takes her final and fatal step, she sees Wakaba playing with what is left of Juri's experiment. She runs down the halls, minus most of the clothing that Miki has manipulated off of her, and screams 'Eureka.' She realizes that she is a) running away from the lab, b) running away from Miki, and c) scantily clad. She 'erps' and scrambles back the confused population of the Chemistry Lab. She grins and grabs the last of Juri's tablets away from Wakaba before she can eat it. Grabbing Miki, she attempts to force the pill down his throat before he can force his tongue down her throat. Successful, she steps back and grins, "What do you get when you take a mega-playboy and add a pill guaranteed to turn any female into a lesbian?"

Juri blinks, "Well, what do we get?"

Becka hops up and down happily, "Miki!" She moves away from the shower as an endearing blush spreads across Miki's face when he realizes that a) she not clad, and b) he's the one holding the rest of her clothing. With an 'erp' he dives underneath the fume hood. Anthy looks up, "Well, hello there."



return to blood soaked and honor bound: sku