blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Karen leans back in the large leather chair in the library, sipping a random cup of tea. There is a vase of roses on the table nearby, and a crackling fire can be heard in the background. "So, you've dared to enter the 'Special' picture gallery. You really shouldn't have done that, but I suppose people like you just can't help yourselves."

Becka crawls out from under the table where Karen has tied her in a straightjacket. She mumbles something incoherently, then manages to spit the gag out of her mouth. "Now now… the pictures are supposed to scare the nice people, not us."

Karen springs out of the cozy chair, jumping up and down, generally throwing a fit, "But… but… that's not fair!"

Becka rolls around on the floor, attempting to avoid Karen's feet. Her slightly subdued voice floats up to Karen's ears, "Umm… Ka-chan? Do you have a Touga in your pants?"

Karen facefaults. A moment after all movement has stopped, Becka speaks up from her place on the floor, "Umm, alright. Karen, how about you tell the nice people all about the definition of 'Special' Pictures."

Karen clears her throat and brushes herself off, "I was *going* to…" Sits back down and smiles pleasantly, "Special, an adjective, first used in this manner by my friend, Jen. It actually means 'of a kind different from others; distinctive, peculiar, or unique; Used in times of awkward or just plain 'odd' situations. It usually implies some sort of twisted or vulgar humor.'"

The scene flashes to behind Karen's chair, where Miki is sitting on the floor. He is reading from a dictionary while taking notes and operating his stopwatch. Karen sweat drops, "Err… umm… anyhoo." Karen notices that Becka is about to say something. She pulls out that wonderful mallet and sends the still-bound Becka across the library, and through two windows, where she lands on Akio's bed. Becka cowers down, remembering all 101 reasons why she hates Akio, not to mention the fact that the straightjacket really isn't improving her situation. Akio smiles evilly, apparently also remembering the 'nice' list they wrote about him. A few hundred feet away, Karen coughs, "And by the way, that definition of 'nice' is kind of what we mean by 'special.'"

Becka shouts across the distance in anger, "Thanks a lot, Karen!"

Akio's shout follows Becka's, "Can I borrow that mallet of yours?" Becka just cringes and tries to disappear amid the vast expanse of silken sheets.

Karen turns around and smiles pleasantly at the readers, "Well, what are you waiting for?" Karen sweat drops, "Oh." Karen's skin tone discovers shades of red and orange that have never been seen before, not even by Crayola. She shouts, "I don't wanna' see that. Look at the damned pictures already."

Back in the library, Miki; stopwatch click.

The "Special" Pictures

"We all know that Akio likes his sister, but this is taking things just a little too far."

"Bondage? Okay, I can handle that. voyeurism? Sure, it's Akio. But that shirt has got to go."

Karen whines, "It's no FAIR! The car gets more action than I do!"

Becka just nods, "Yeah, Karen. The car *does* get more action than you do..."

"Mix Akio with Calvin Clein and what do you get? Like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop, the world -doesn't- want to know..."

Karen and Becka shudder, fear in their eyes, the straitjacket induced kind, "No tell Motel," they mumble, "No tell Motel."

"It's about time."

"All new character designs... same old story..."

"Yet another one of those
brotherly moments we didn't need to know about..."

"The words, 'Oh, yes!' and 'Grope me' come to mind..."

Becka tilts her head to one side, "It is Anthy, right? I'm not imagining things, right? But what is she doing?" Karen shakes her head, "I think she's worshipping Akio's knee or something..."

Becka blinks, wondering when this happened... and why? Murmurs, "Sure... just shove your chest at your brother's face, evil girl..."

"She like a teddy bear! Only... pink..."

"Well, this is pretty... special. Anthy, decidedly unclothed, washing some other purple-haired girl's back..."

"... indeed. And scary as this may sound, what you see to the left isn't the only reason this is a 'special' picture."

"ChuChu. 'nuff said."

"It's cute! I want one!"

"... I think ..."


Karen looks over the 'Special' Pictures and sweatdrops, "Well, as you can see, we have some rather… interesting pictures in our gallery. Please take note that these are not *all* the 'Special' Pictures. For a faster DL time, we've divided the rest of the pictures up into seperate Galleries which can be reached by clicking on the 'Next Gallery' button above. For our disclaimer, seeing as getting money out of us would be like squeezing blood from a turnip, none of these belong to us, and no infringement is intended upon the owners/creators of these wonderful pictures."

"If you know of any other 'Special' pictures, please e-mail the addresses (aka. URLs) to Becka…" Karen blinks in rapid succession, "Oh, right. She's… occupied at the moment. Her e-mail address is And please, if the image is not from the series, movie, or manga, and you aren't the creator, don't e-mail it to us. That's what got us kicked off our _last_ server. Anyhoos, be sure to include the word 'Akio' in the header." Karen sniggers quietly at the thought of Becka receiving a mailbox full of letters from or about Akio. "Heh heh heh."



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