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Bike Trash Web Page

Welcome to this putrid little shit hole where the original bicycle slam board was originated. It has had many lives. It first began it's shitty existence when I was the president of a local race team and  I thought it'd be cool to have a web board where local bicycle racers could share ideas and keep in touch. Like typical bike racers, they shit all over it and began to post nasty links and bad mouth each others moms and sisters. Assholes. A notorious  little local asshole named Butthead took the board over, but after a few locals threatened to kick his teeth out of the back of his throat, he took the web site down. He's a real piece of spineless shit. 
Anyway, here it is again - LET THE ABUSE BEGIN!
Other good cycling links
Columbia Bike Club Race Team
Drunken Cyclist (some adult content)
Arizona Mountain Biking - check out the videos
Articles by Jimmiez
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