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On a planet called Amon. This planet was a peaceful planet, once ruled by humans. But somewhere lurking beneath the crystal waters and beautiful lands of Amon was a great and powerful evil, waiting to emerge. The place where the evil lurked was called Gandar, and creatures such as demons and vampires and monsters lurked there. All evil creatures lived and trained there, waiting for the day they would all rise from Gandar and overthrow the human empire. The day finally came when Gandar was no longer silent, and creatures emerged from the depths of the sea and from the crevases of the mountains, laying seige to villages and kingdoms. Taking them over one by one, Amon was overrun with evil, and the humans became the slaves of the evil rulers. There was hope for the humans, though they did not know, nor feel it. On another planet in the heavens, called Olpha, lived the power of good. Angels, Elves and few Humans live there. They knew of the fall of Amon and of the threat Gandar posed. Knowing of this the beings of Olpha came secretly to Amon, finding the sacred places of the humans which were as poisin to the demons due to the places being Holy. These places were Temples, and these were the places the Angels and Elfs found their refuge. Some humans had found these places to be a haven of safety, and lived there. They were amazed and overcome with joy at the sight of the wonderous beings arrival. The Angels and Elfs train the humans now, preparing them for the battle of good and evil. Some humans, the less fortunate ones, were taken over by the evil. Their souls taken from them and added to the power of the evil, and their bodies used as vessels for the spirits of evil to inhabit and use. There are many battles to fight, will you be a part of it?
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