So, you found this page. There's almost nothing here, but what is here, I'll go ahead and show you. First, we have a couple links.

Aexoden's IRC Stats Page - Includes stats mostly for IRC channels.
Aexoden's Computer History - Contains a medium-sized account of the computers I've used through the years. It's a couple of years old, but it still pretty up-to-date.

Finally, we find the few images I have on this site. They're remnants of my EoFF life, mostly.

garnet1.jpg - An old Garnet avatar.
garnetnew.jpg - One of my signatures I used to use.
goats.jpg - A signature for the International Penguin Party, of #eoff.
penguin2.jpg - Yet another IPP signature.
Tama_chan.jpg - A Tama-Chan from Love Hina signature.
thing.gif - A model I had to do for some course.