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Friday, September 8, 2001 | No Subject. 12:11 PM
So, c2x im really sorry that iv been inactive for about 2 weeks but school has got me pretty busy and i hardly have any time to play, sowhen im not on im probably doin homework or something. But ill definitly be online on the weekends. So im sorry if you all thought c2x was dead but its not so once again im sorry.
Posted by: Xistenz

Friday, August 24, 2001 | No Subject. 12:11 PM
Well unfortunitly i had to remove Born2Kill from the c2x roster due to inactivity ;(, So that means Trax is now the new co-leader of BFM Squad. And look up bad ass logo Made By:REQUEAM!!! lol. It's awesome eh? And we got a new member tonight SucksClitorous LOL. Anyway thats all.
Posted by: Xistenz

Friday, August 24, 2001 | No Subject. 1:49 PM
Well guys when everyones on, hopefully tonight i want to schedule a team practice. We need it, and it will help alot. Contact me for more information.
Posted by: Xistenz

Wednesday, August 22, 2001 | Trax is back. 7:57 PM
Trax rejoined last night, so welcome back trax. Anyway im tryin to get a flash intro up. But im just learning flash and i kind of suck at the moment so ill try my best.
Posted by: Xistenz

Teusday, August 21, 2001 | Punk Buster. 5:26 PM
I was thinking today, and i relized that most of c2x doesnt have punk buster, so what im saying is that you should all download it espsecialy if we're goin to start matching soon. And we dont want anyone cheating us, and if we dont have PB other clans will think we cheat so please download it. I have a link to the download below.

Download PunkBuster Here
Posted by: Xistenz

Teusday, August 21, 2001 | New Squads. 2:55 PM
Well im proud to announce that we have divided c2x into 2 different squads. CBK, and NSC. Contact me for further information on that. Also Contract*Killer has changed his name to "Blood*Soldier" so if you see him online its contract killer. I got most of the pages up finally yay ;). Thats all.
Posted by: Xistenz

Monday, August 20, 2001 | No Subject. 5:31 PM
First things first, i would like everyone to welcome our new member [.c2x.] Decay. I hope you enjoy your time in c2x. Yes im still working on the site. It'll be done dont worry. And i would also like to address that during this past few days Trax, Canibus, and Shadow have left us. We also have an upcoming match with Canibus's new clan, so im goin to schedule a practice soon so be online. I havent picked who will be in that match yet because i dont know if its a 3v3 2v2 4v4 etc. Ill find out all further details from Canibus. thats about all for today.
Posted by: Xistenz

Saturday, August 18, 2001 | No Subject.1:46 PM
The first thing i want to say is, there has been recent confusion about new members that im not informed about (Furby etc.) i had no idea that they had joined c2x so please when and if you recruit someone please inform me of it and give me all there info and details, another thing. Im working on a new layout for the site, wont be done till about monday tho. Thats all, and remember plaease let me know if you recruit someone.
Posted by: Xistenz

Wednesday, August 15, 2001 | Join Page is up, And new member. 2:44 PM
First of all, i got our "Join Application" page up. And ill tell ya it looks pretty good ;). Anyway yes im still wroking on all the other pages , but theres bad new. They probably wont be done until at least Friday or Saturday, hey ya never know, i could even get them all done by tonight. But i doubt it lol.

Another thing i would like to announce is a new member .c2x. Ice-Man, hes been my freind for along time and hes good. Hes been playing Counter-Strike way longer then me, he got the game about a half-to a year ago, hes got alot of skill, so please welcome him. We're going to try to get an IRC Channel up in the future. Also about that Dedicated server we had. Well me and ice man went in it last night and it seems that another clan "OG" took it over or something because the name of it was "-=OG=- ClanServer" but it was the same ip and everything. So ill get started on finding another server until then we'll just have to settle with regular servers. Thats all for now.
Posted by: Xistenz

Teusday, August 14, 2001 | Pages Are Down. 8:02 PM
Well. Most pages are down due to the fact that there not even done yet, so tonight iv been working on all the pages and hopefully there up by tomorrow even thursday, im not really sure yet. But we now have a Dedicated Server. Big thanks to Canibus who made it for us tonight. To get the server ip go to "Servers" Page. The servers page i will be doing right away aswell as the rosters page.
Posted by: Xistenz

Monday, August 13, 2001 | New Site. 6:26 PM