.8.24.03. New!

New stuff? i hear you ask, yes, the layout is new if yuo havent noticed, and no, i didnt make it, i got it from a site, also have 2 new members, theyre not guild members, since they dont have access to neopets.com, but they are site members.

We are hoping for a "hints and tips" section, but no one applied for that spot on the council, if you think you could come up with handy tips, why not apply for council!

We need 2 more shops for the "tri-shop mall" what it is, is a small guild mall, it contains 3 shops, one battle shop, one food shop and one toy shop, if you have one of these shops neomail iodice now!

We need way more members in our guild, you need to advertise, put one of our banners in your shop or website!

We want more questions to ask! Ask anything you want :] and we'll answer em whenever we can.

Thats it for the news, cya next week for more updates

.8.22.03. Death is the past

OH NO, its not a person that has died, its a site, www.21.com, it was out back up site and it has been hit by a virus, it cant be fixed so bye bye 21.com :(

But thats not the end of things, twentyone-21.vze.com is replacing it, with new layouts and more stuff to do!

On one slightly good note, there will be a "rate my pikkie" contest this month, if you have a picture you would like to enter, send the url to niodice@hotmail.com, no attachments please due to virus!

Another sad thing is, we dont have a sister guild or site, if you would like to ask someone if they would like to be apart of our site, feel free to!

Thats it for the bad news

.8.21.03. Charlies Stuff Hiya im charlie and this is my stuff, email me with new stuff to put under my stuff, mills4iodice@hotmail.com

You all watching pop idol? sure you are, well i am anyway, who do you want to win, who dont you like, is Pete anoying you too? talk to me people, you know my address!

.8.20.03. Ads

Not really important here, you can add your advertisments here, maybe its a shop, or a site, just email me or contact iodice by neomail.

.8.18.03. Real Life...

Its official, im no longer a middle schooler, as for the 3rd of September, ill be in upper school, Charlie is already there, but who wants to know about him, he's my bf for goodnes sake!

.8.15.03. It's all about change...

In the year 2006 this site will be world wide, and we will have over 1000 members, well...hopefully, pshycics have predicted that.

Go ahead, ask us anything you want! Then, every day, we'll post the questions and their answers!


If you have anything else you would like to see, please neomail dorkiee, or 100687.

The month of Hiding

Aug 8th - Blumaroo Day

Aug 18th - Meerca Day!

Aug 20th - Annual Usuki Doll Convention

Aug 24th - Grundo Independence Day

Aug 29th - Kyrii Day
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.Adorkable. Blogs

Welcome to the 21 home page! Here you can find tons of activities. Also, If you want to contact the creator of the site all you have to do is fill in the form on the left :)

I want to thank www.worlddesigns for this layout, it has been voted 2103455 times as the best layout.

We also have a site council, you can apply for that here!

**NOTE:Not all people who apply for council will get on it, our team will ask you questions to see if you are good enough!

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