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Description: Wanderers share little in common with each other. Some are stealthy thieves, (and they give a bad name to all wanderers, unfortunately)while others just like to explore. Plenty are silver tongued tricksters, and still others are merchants, outlaws, gamblers, thugs, peddlers, traveling scholars, and the like. Whatever thier profession, they share a reliance on skills and abilities, quick-wittedness, and a certain willingness to take risks most others wouldn't dare.

Adventures: Wanderers adventure for several reasons. First and foremost, they're in it for whatever they can get. Many wanderers lust for gold or other treasures, and gladly take any risk commensurate with the reward. Second is curiousity. Many of them yearn to see new places, lean new things, and broaden their experience. Third, they like to pit their wits against the challenges that confront them.