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Knife Specialist

by Eric Welch

Throughout the galaxy, the blaster has been the weapon of choice for centuries. Even on on most pre-industrial worlds, slugthrowers are used. While the Jedi continue to wield their Lightsabers, and the Wookiees use their Bowcasters and Rykk blades, individuals how choose not to use guns of some sort are rather rare. The Knife Specialist represents someone who has chosen to master an ancient weapon instead of following the modern path.
Exploits: Knife Specialists see themselves as free spirits and combat specialist. They are often gamblers and wanderers, nomads. They go where the universe wills them, or where the money is good.
Characteristics: Knife Specialists have centered all their training into using knives. Many take pride in using "The right knife for the right job", and as such often carry multiple throwing knives and combat knives. As they gain experience, they trive to hone their skills to an ever sharper edge.
Background: Knife Specialists come from all walks of life. The noble's son who decides to take to a vagabond lifestyle, a scoundrel with a liking for antique weapons, or someone too poor to afford anything else would all make fine Knife Specialist--provided they had the right teacher.

Game Rule Information
Knife Specialists have the following game statistics:
Abilities: A Knife Specialist's prime ability score is Dexterity, as it provides a ranged combat bonus, melee combat bonus (thanks to weapon finesse), and bonus to defense. Constition is also important, because it provides the vitality point bonus that helps keeps the Knife Specialist alive until he can hit his mark. Don't underestimate the importance of Wisdom and Charisma, however, since many of a Knife Specialist's skills are based on these abilities.
Vitality: 1d10 plus Constitution modifier per level

Class Skills
The Knife Specialist's class skills, and the key ability for each, are as follows:

Class Skill      Key Ability
Bluff                CHA
Craft                INT
Intimidate           CHA
Knowledge            INT
Profession           WIS
Sense Motive         WIS
Spot                 WIS
Treat Injury         WIS

Skill Points at 1st level: (4+Int modifier)x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+Int modifier

Class Features

Starting Feats:
Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons)
Weapon Focus: Throwing knife
Weapon Focus: Combat Knife
Weapon Finnesse: Combat Knife
Point Blank Shot
Armor proficiency (light)
Bonus Feats: at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, The Knife Specialist gets a bonus feat. These bonus feats must be drawn from the following list: Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Heroic Surge, Improved Initiative, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, or Weapon Focus.
Credits: A 1st-level Knife Specialist stars play with (1d8+3)x100 credits.

For Base Attack Bonus, Saving Throws, Defense Bonus, and Reputation, please refer to Table 3-6: The Soldier, in the Star Wars Core Rulebook.