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B-17 Gunships 472nd BG (H) Gunther's Gunslingers

Greetings and welcome to the 472nd Bomber Escort Group (Heavy). This site is a gaming resourse for the B-17 Queen of the Skies game. We have two campaign games, an extended campaign game as well as numerous scenarios and variants.

My special interest lies in the YB-40 B-17 Gunship. This site includes both a historical 92nd Bomb Group Campaign and an Alternate History 920th Squadron "Roaring Forty's" Game.

Here you can bomb Germany in 1941 in a Fortress Mk I (B-17C) of the RAF's No 90 Squadron.
Attempt to safely land, your nearly out of fuel B-17D, in the middle of the Pearl Harbor attack.
Operate a YB40 Bomber Gunship of the 92nd Bomb Group escorting other B-17's.
Undertake clandestine missions with the Luftwaffe's KG I/200 using captured B-17's.
Fly one of three Forts that served with the newly formed Israeli Air Force seeing action in both the 1948 and 1956 conflicts; including a bombing mission over Cairo
Looking for more?
Consider The MARCH OF TIME Grand Campaign that links our two campaign games and numerous scenarios together:
Start out as a USAAF advisor to the RAF 90 Squadron flying brand new Fortress Mk I's(B-17C's) in 1941 and end up flying, jury rigged, stripped down, B-17G's for the Israeli Air Force during the 1956 Suez Crisis; with a whole lot of action in between. This campaign is for the true B-17 Queen of the Skies fanatic. You'll fly all the variants on every kind of mission imaginable.

B-17 Queen of the Skies was originally designed by On Target Games, re-released by Avalon Hill, and is currently owned by Hasbro.


Air Execs Office
Ground Execs Office
Adjutant's Office Game Counters
MARCH OF TIME CAMPAIGN B-17 in Combat from 1941-1956
RAF Fortress Mk I (B-17C) No 90 Squadron Campaign
PEARL HARBOR and Early Pacific War B-17C/D/E Scenarios
920th Bomber Squadron YB-40 Gunship Campaign
KG 200 Captured B-17's in the Luftwaffe Scenarios
Escape to Neutrality Switzerland and Other Unscheduled Landings
Chel Ha'Avir Israeli Air Force 1948 and 1956 Scenarios
The Reed Project B-17
XB-38 Allison Engine Fortress
YB-40 Bomber Escort Flying Fortress
XB-41 Bomber Escort Liberator
PBEM B-17 Flight Logs
PBEM B-24 Flight Logs 918th BG(H) 206th Squadron
Return to Damsels, Duelists, and A Bridge Too Far

YB-40's of the 92nd Bomb Group