Awakening the Saiyajin within
The first step to awakening the Saiyajin within, is to find out which Saiyajin you are most like. Like Vegeta for example. A good guy at heart, but a bad ass on the outside who shows no mercy! Or Gokou for another example, pure of heart, inside and out. Things like that. Below are several lists to help start you out with awakening the Saiyajin within! There are four lists of the most popular Saiyajins, and how to be that Saiyajin.

- Vegeta -
-Show no Fear
-Show your opponent no mercy!
-Be proud of your Saiyajin blood

    - What you will need to do to help you become this character -
    -Buy lots and lots of hair gel
    -Slick your hair stright up
    -Find out how to keep your hair up under water

- Gokou -
-Give everyone three or Four chances to change themselves before you kick their ass
-Before you finish off your opponent give them another three or four chances to run away
-Always give a speech before your fights
-Insist that you are more of a human than a Saiyajin
-Eat as much food as fast as you can

    - What you will need to be this character -
    -You will need to never Brush your hair
    -A huge supply of food
    -Alot of orange suits

- Gohan -
-Get mad when someone (Like a Teacher) Insults your dads honor
-Dont fight with all your effort until you get really mad (This will make it look like you get stronger when your mad)
-Call your Idol, "Mr. Piccolo"
-Did I mention you need to study

    - What you need to be this character -
    -An over protective mother who forces you too study all the time
    -A bad temper
    -A green faced Idol

- Trunks -
-Show no mercy
-Dont be all evil, show yuor good side
-Wear a jacket that has the Capsule Corp. Logo on it

    - What you need to be this character -
    -Dye your hair purple
    -A mom who can invent a Time Machine
    -A really stong sword
    -To know the Fusion Dance

- Saiyajin Characteristics -

Alright, if you have chosen one of the characters above your ready for the next step. The characteristics that most Saiyajins have. Some of these may not include Gokou, but rembmer Gokou grew up on Earth, and hit his head cuasing him to forget his mission. He grew up diferently then the other Saiyajins. And some of these may not include the half Saiyajins, whatever the case may be, just remember what that Saiyajin grew up as. What he went through to make him different.
    -When you see a full moon outside, reinact King Kong, but with more destruction
    -Wear some sort of Armor (Saiyajin Armor in particular)
    -Develop a thirst for battle
    -Make somthing that resembles a scouter
    -You must be ruthless!
    -Fight till the end!

- Tips and Tricks -

Your almost there! If you've done everything above, then you have awoken the Saiyajin within you! Or maybe you havent. This will take practice and it may be hard for some to awaken the Saiyajin Withen. If your not there yet, dont get frustrated, with a little practice you will be there! The least it shoul take is a month if you practice enough. But here is a list that may help you whether your Saiyajin within is awake or not.

    -Carry a can of Blonde hair spray just in case you have to go Super Saiyajin
    -Learn some form of fighting along with the Saiya-Fu which is coming up in the nest lesson
- Tips from people who have awoken their Saiyajin -

Here are tips from people who have done all of this and have a few tips they like to give.

    -Learn to run real fast, so that when you mess with the bully at school you will be ready to RUN!

Congratulations! If you have done all that is above then you are ready for Saiya-Fu! But before you go to Saiya-Fu make sure your ready, and you have awoken the Saiyajin within! Because once the Saiyajin within is awake, it makes it much easier to learn Saiya-Fu!

This section is just here as entertainment, it is not meant to be used for information. All of the moves listed above are things that were used in the show, but I gave them the names. I didnot make up the moves, just the names. Do not take this section seriously, I am not responsible for the trouble you get into for doing the "Gut Blast" or the "Fist Grab!" this section is not for information, or self defense!