You know your a Redneck Saiyajin when...

*The only way you feel you wont turn Oozaru at night is by putting a bag over your head.
*Spend most of time in the back yard throwing energy blasts at birds for fun.
*Daughter's name is Panties
*You drive a hovercraft because you're too lazy to fly.
*When you want to power up and while you grunt you blow a fart.
*The back of your house is missing because you decided it got to hot.
*You train hard as hell because you think the toaster is trying to take over the world.
*What you believe to be Saiya-Jin Armor is Football pads stuffed with cardboard.
*You're too drunk to fly.
*The only way you can turn Super Saiya-Jin is by getting loaded on caffeine pills and punching yourself in the head.
*By the time your son is of age you take him out back and beating the life out of him thinking he'll turn SSJ and surpass you.
*In your mind the only way to make a wish to the Eternal Dragon is by firing a shotgun in the air yelling the wish.
*You collide with an airplane while flying.
*Fusing consisted of two people and duck tape.
*You blow up your refrigerator thinking it's Frieza's OTHER brother.
*A day at the zoo includes long talks with the apes and monkeys.
*The only true battle you fight is with your lawyer.
*You live in your basement because your paranoid enough to think the sun is a giant spirit bomb.
*Despite the taste, you eat squid thinking your eating Kuei. (For all you Vegeta Fans)
*Your brother hates your guts simply because you took his scouter when you were young.
*You go to jail for stealing what you believed to be Senzu beans at your local market.
*You fry ants with a highly condensed energy beam.
*Cutting the weeds in your yard strangely makes you feel safer.
*Walking around with a Burger King Crown on your head yelling "I'm King of all Saiya-Jins!" is the highlight of your day.
*If you super-glue two electrical wires to your forehead thinking you too can become a Kaio.
*Praising a hat w/bull horns on it will bring King Yama to you house.
*You constantly yell out wishes to an Iguana hoping it will grant you the wish.
*Spray-painting your hair yellow because you're too lazy.
*You break your leg in the attempt of flying off your roof.
*You're mad because you wanted to marry Bulma too.
*You are the only Saiya-Jin with acne.
*Monkeys to you are good dating material.
*When hearing the phrase "Monkey see, Monkey do" makes you extremely pissed off.