Vegeta's Last hour

By: TitaniaRose

Ever wonder what was going through Vegeta's head when he decided to do the suicide attack on Majin Buu. Well, this is what I thought of... Enjoy!

…So, this is how my life will end. How I was destined to die. Such an honorable way oh, how I despise that word now. Honor, feh. And love, too.

I am a coward and a liar. All of my life I have spent thinking I wanted only one thing, to be the strongest warrior, and to defeat all those who dared become stronger than me. I am the Prince of the Saiyans, and by birthright I should be the strongest. And to this day I fought to defeat the last obstacle to attain perfection, Kakarrot. But now I realize that there is more to life than the fight. There is love, too.

I am an emotional coward and a liar to myself. I have always put Earth to blame for this content that I felt while living here and the human emotions I was faced with. But today I realize that the emotions were my own, that they did emerge from my Saiyan heart. And though my pride and stubbornness would never let me express or feel these emotions, now I do know. I love you, Bulma. I always have. I have never been the best husband or father and I know that, but it was my god-forsaken pride that prevented me from letting you know. I love you, Trunks. Though you will never know, I have always been proud of you, my son. You carry the blood of Vegiitasei within you. I know that you will strive to make me proud, even as I watch you from heaven. You will always fight for the fight only, as it is the way of the Saiyan, and not give up until your enemy is defeated. Take care of your mother for me. She may annoying and asinine sometimes, but she means the world to me. I have never had the chance to tell you two this, and I probably never will, but now I know and the knowledge is enough for me.

Kakarrot, I must thank you, though I disgust myself doing so. You are the reason I am here now, that I have lived to have a family and to know love. You gave me a chance no other Saiyan in his right mind would have expected to have, to experience love in all of its facets and to be accepted by a people which I have tried to destroy. Today was my last chance to defeat you, but now I know I couldn’t have done it. Although I was strong and my power increased by the Majin, I could not have defeated you because you were still the strongest in heart. And if by some strange twist of fate I had defeated you, my life would have never been the same. Defeating you was my ultimate goal, and with that gone, what would I have done? And even now, in my last hour, I find it ironic that my one chance to kill you has passed me by. I find it strange that my emotions have led me away from my one chance to defeat you, for when I die, my spirit will not be taken to your plane of existence, but to hell, where I will pay for all the innocent lives I have taken ruthlessly. And once my sentence will come to pass, all of my memories will be taken from me, even my desire for your defeat by my hands.

I do not regret my life, or my emotions. I do not regret the death of my world, Vegiitasei, or of the millions of Saiyans that perished with it. I do not regret that my death will be like this. I will die today to save to life of this world I was accepted and loved upon. But know this all humans, I will not die today out of mercy for you. I sacrifice my life for my wife and child, so that they may live in freedom and in peace.

It is time now, to take the life of the Majin Buu, the ultimate enemy to this world. And by taking his, to take my own as well. The force of this blast will rattle the world with raw power, but if it is what it takes to save to the life of my family, then I am ready to risk it. I draw all of my power to myself, my ki, my Saiyan strength, my Majin increase, my life energy. But there is something else too, and I feel it now without shame. To all my gathered energy I add my love. And now that all my energy is gathered, it is time to leave. Goodbye Bulma, Trunks… I love you. Goodbye Kakarrot…Goku. See you all in another dimension.